You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

403 lines
27 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.ck.mapper.ItemFLInfoMapper">
<resultMap type="ItemInfo" id="ItemInfoResult">
<result property="wldm" column="wldm" />
<result property="wlCode" column="Wl_Code" />
<result property="hsCode" column="HS_Code" />
<result property="itemname" column="Itemname" />
<result property="enName" column="EN_NAME" />
<result property="itemstandard" column="Itemstandard" />
<result property="machineNo" column="Machine_no" />
<result property="stockDw" column="Stock_dw" />
<result property="intakeorchina" column="intakeorchina" />
<result property="weight" column="weight" />
<result property="safetyStockNum" column="Safety_stock_num" />
<result property="topStockNum" column="Top_stock_num" />
<result property="resortPromptDays" column="Resort_prompt_days" />
<result property="Itemclass" column="Itemclass" />
<result property="Inclass" column="Inclass" />
<result property="defaultStock" column="Default_stock" />
<result property="defaultPosition" column="Default_position" />
<result property="isSpecial" column="Is_special" />
<result property="specialDepart" column="Special_depart" />
<result property="costPrice" column="Cost_price" />
<result property="isLimitDraw" column="IS_Limit_Draw" />
<result property="limitDrawNum" column="Limit_draw_num" />
<result property="firstProvider" column="First_provider" />
<result property="seccondProvider" column="Seccond_provider" />
<result property="leastBatchNum" column="Least_batch_num" />
<result property="mostStockNum" column="Most_stock_num" />
<result property="stockPrice" column="Stock_price" />
<result property="stockLeadtime" column="Stock_leadtime" />
<result property="pCode" column="P_Code" />
<result property="pName" column="P_Name" />
<result property="sendflag" column="sendflag" />
<result property="GP" column="GP" />
<result property="isEnd" column="IS_END" />
<result property="createTime" column="create_time" />
<result property="createMan" column="create_man" />
<result property="worklineclass" column="worklineclass" />
<result property="worklineclassNo" column="worklineclass_no" />
<result property="pWldm" column="p_wldm" />
<result property="hourQty" column="Hour_QTY" />
<result property="hourMoney" column="Hour_Money" />
<result property="pcsMoney" column="PCS_Money" />
<result property="addDate" column="Add_Date" />
<result property="factoryCode" column="Factory_Code" />
<result property="baseCode" column="base_code" />
<result property="houdou" column="houdou" />
<result property="fuWidth" column="FU_Width" />
<result property="longWidth" column="Long_Width" />
<result property="m2" column="m2" />
<result property="tmpCpCode" column="Tmp_CP_Code" />
<result property="checkReportNo" column="Check_Report_NO" />
<result property="checkReportDate" column="Check_Report_Date" />
<result property="checkReportNo2" column="Check_Report_NO2" />
<result property="checkReportDate2" column="Check_Report_Date2" />
<result property="MadeClass" column="MadeClass" />
<result property="colorName" column="color_name" />
<result property="touxing" column="touxing" />
<result property="poDw" column="po_dw" />
<result property="confirmMan" column="confirm_man" />
<result property="confirmTime" column="confirm_time" />
<result property="confirmFlag" column="confirm_flag" />
<result property="m2RelationPodw" column="m2_relation_podw" />
<result property="id" column="id" />
<result property="material" column="material" />
<result property="memotext" column="memotext" />
<result property="lxzColor" column="LXZ_Color" />
<result property="customRd" column="Custom_RD" />
<result property="VersionNO" column="VersionNO" />
<result property="worklineNo" column="WorkLine_NO" />
<result property="worklineName" column="WorkLine_name" />
<result property="bcpFlag" column="BCP_Flag" />
<result property="ForP" column="ForP" />
<sql id="selectItemInfoVo">
select wldm, Wl_Code, HS_Code, Itemname, EN_NAME, Itemstandard, Machine_no, Stock_dw, intakeorchina, weight, Safety_stock_num, Top_stock_num, Resort_prompt_days, Itemclass, Inclass, Default_stock, Default_position, Is_special, Special_depart, Cost_price, IS_Limit_Draw, Limit_draw_num, First_provider, Seccond_provider, Least_batch_num, Most_stock_num, Stock_price, Stock_leadtime, P_Code, P_Name, sendflag, GP, IS_END, create_time, create_man, worklineclass, worklineclass_no, p_wldm, Hour_QTY, Hour_Money, PCS_Money, Add_Date, Factory_Code, base_code, houdou, FU_Width, Long_Width, m2, Tmp_CP_Code, Check_Report_NO, Check_Report_Date, Check_Report_NO2, Check_Report_Date2, MadeClass, color_name, touxing, po_dw, confirm_man, confirm_time, confirm_flag, m2_relation_podw, id, material, memotext, LXZ_Color, Custom_RD, VersionNO, WorkLine_NO, WorkLine_name, BCP_Flag, ForP from item_info
<select id="selectItemInfoList" parameterType="ItemInfo" resultMap="ItemInfoResult">
<include refid="selectItemInfoVo"/>
<if test="wldm != null and wldm != ''"> and wldm = #{wldm}</if>
<if test="wlCode != null and wlCode != ''"> and Wl_Code like concat('%',#{wlCode},'%') </if>
<if test="hsCode != null and hsCode != ''"> and HS_Code = #{hsCode}</if>
<if test="itemname != null and itemname != ''"> and Itemname like concat('%', #{itemname}, '%')</if>
<if test="enName != null and enName != ''"> and EN_NAME like concat('%', #{enName}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemstandard != null and itemstandard != ''"> and Itemstandard = #{Itemstandard}</if>
<if test="machineNo != null and machineNo != ''"> and Machine_no = #{machineNo}</if>
<if test="stockDw != null and stockDw != ''"> and Stock_dw = #{stockDw}</if>
<if test="intakeorchina != null "> and intakeorchina = #{intakeorchina}</if>
<if test="weight != null "> and weight = #{weight}</if>
<if test="safetyStockNum != null "> and Safety_stock_num = #{safetyStockNum}</if>
<if test="topStockNum != null "> and Top_stock_num = #{topStockNum}</if>
<if test="resortPromptDays != null "> and Resort_prompt_days = #{resortPromptDays}</if>
<if test="Itemclass != null and Itemclass != ''"> and Itemclass = #{Itemclass}</if>
<if test="Inclass != null and Inclass != ''"> and Inclass = #{Inclass}</if>
<if test="defaultStock != null and defaultStock != ''"> and Default_stock = #{defaultStock}</if>
<if test="defaultPosition != null and defaultPosition != ''"> and Default_position = #{defaultPosition}</if>
<if test="isSpecial != null "> and Is_special = #{isSpecial}</if>
<if test="specialDepart != null and specialDepart != ''"> and Special_depart = #{specialDepart}</if>
<if test="costPrice != null "> and Cost_price = #{costPrice}</if>
<if test="isLimitDraw != null "> and IS_Limit_Draw = #{isLimitDraw}</if>
<if test="limitDrawNum != null "> and Limit_draw_num = #{limitDrawNum}</if>
<if test="firstProvider != null and firstProvider != ''"> and First_provider = #{firstProvider}</if>
<if test="seccondProvider != null and seccondProvider != ''"> and Seccond_provider = #{seccondProvider}</if>
<if test="leastBatchNum != null "> and Least_batch_num = #{leastBatchNum}</if>
<if test="mostStockNum != null "> and Most_stock_num = #{mostStockNum}</if>
<if test="stockPrice != null "> and Stock_price = #{stockPrice}</if>
<if test="stockLeadtime != null "> and Stock_leadtime = #{stockLeadtime}</if>
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''"> and P_Code = #{pCode}</if>
<if test="pName != null and pName != ''"> and P_Name like concat('%', #{pName}, '%')</if>
<if test="sendflag != null "> and sendflag = #{sendflag}</if>
<if test="GP != null and GP != ''"> and GP = #{GP}</if>
<if test="isEnd != null "> and IS_END = #{isEnd}</if>
<if test="createMan != null and createMan != ''"> and create_man = #{createMan}</if>
<if test="worklineclass != null and worklineclass != ''"> and worklineclass = #{worklineclass}</if>
<if test="worklineclassNo != null and worklineclassNo != ''"> and worklineclass_no = #{worklineclassNo}</if>
<if test="pWldm != null and pWldm != ''"> and p_wldm = #{pWldm}</if>
<if test="hourQty != null "> and Hour_QTY = #{hourQty}</if>
<if test="hourMoney != null "> and Hour_Money = #{hourMoney}</if>
<if test="pcsMoney != null "> and PCS_Money = #{pcsMoney}</if>
<if test="addDate != null "> and Add_Date = #{addDate}</if>
<if test="factoryCode != null and factoryCode != ''"> and Factory_Code = #{factoryCode}</if>
<if test="baseCode != null and baseCode != ''"> and base_code = #{baseCode}</if>
<if test="houdou != null and houdou != ''"> and houdou = #{houdou}</if>
<if test="fuWidth != null "> and FU_Width = #{fuWidth}</if>
<if test="longWidth != null "> and Long_Width = #{longWidth}</if>
<if test="m2 != null "> and m2 = #{m2}</if>
<if test="tmpCpCode != null and tmpCpCode != ''"> and Tmp_CP_Code = #{tmpCpCode}</if>
<if test="checkReportNo != null and checkReportNo != ''"> and Check_Report_NO = #{checkReportNo}</if>
<if test="checkReportDate != null "> and Check_Report_Date = #{checkReportDate}</if>
<if test="checkReportNo2 != null and checkReportNo2 != ''"> and Check_Report_NO2 = #{checkReportNo2}</if>
<if test="checkReportDate2 != null "> and Check_Report_Date2 = #{checkReportDate2}</if>
<if test="MadeClass != null and MadeClass != ''"> and MadeClass = #{MadeClass}</if>
<if test="colorName != null and colorName != ''"> and color_name like concat('%', #{colorName}, '%')</if>
<if test="touxing != null and touxing != ''"> and touxing = #{touxing}</if>
<if test="poDw != null and poDw != ''"> and po_dw = #{poDw}</if>
<if test="confirmMan != null and confirmMan != ''"> and confirm_man = #{confirmMan}</if>
<if test="confirmTime != null "> and confirm_time = #{confirmTime}</if>
<if test="confirmFlag != null "> and confirm_flag = #{confirmFlag}</if>
<if test="m2RelationPodw != null "> and m2_relation_podw = #{m2RelationPodw}</if>
<if test="material != null and material != ''"> and material = #{material}</if>
<if test="memotext != null and memotext != ''"> and memotext = #{memotext}</if>
<if test="lxzColor != null and lxzColor != ''"> and LXZ_Color = #{lxzColor}</if>
<if test="customRd != null and customRd != ''"> and Custom_RD = #{customRd}</if>
<if test="VersionNO != null and VersionNO != ''"> and VersionNO = #{VersionNO}</if>
<if test="worklineNo != null and worklineNo != ''"> and WorkLine_NO = #{worklineNo}</if>
<if test="worklineName != null and worklineName != ''"> and WorkLine_name like concat('%', #{worklineName}, '%')</if>
<if test="bcpFlag != null "> and BCP_Flag = #{bcpFlag}</if>
<if test="ForP != null and ForP != ''"> and ForP = #{ForP}</if>
<select id="selectItemInfoById" parameterType="String" resultMap="ItemInfoResult">
<include refid="selectItemInfoVo"/>
where Wl_Code = #{wlCode}
<insert id="insertItemInfo" parameterType="ItemInfo">
insert into item_info
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="wldm != null">wldm,</if>
<if test="wlCode != null">Wl_Code,</if>
<if test="hsCode != null">HS_Code,</if>
<if test="itemname != null">Itemname,</if>
<if test="enName != null">EN_NAME,</if>
<if test="itemstandard != null">Itemstandard,</if>
<if test="machineNo != null">Machine_no,</if>
<if test="stockDw != null">Stock_dw,</if>
<if test="intakeorchina != null">intakeorchina,</if>
<if test="weight != null">weight,</if>
<if test="safetyStockNum != null">Safety_stock_num,</if>
<if test="topStockNum != null">Top_stock_num,</if>
<if test="resortPromptDays != null">Resort_prompt_days,</if>
<if test="Itemclass != null">Itemclass,</if>
<if test="Inclass != null">Inclass,</if>
<if test="defaultStock != null">Default_stock,</if>
<if test="defaultPosition != null">Default_position,</if>
<if test="isSpecial != null">Is_special,</if>
<if test="specialDepart != null">Special_depart,</if>
<if test="costPrice != null">Cost_price,</if>
<if test="isLimitDraw != null">IS_Limit_Draw,</if>
<if test="limitDrawNum != null">Limit_draw_num,</if>
<if test="firstProvider != null">First_provider,</if>
<if test="seccondProvider != null">Seccond_provider,</if>
<if test="leastBatchNum != null">Least_batch_num,</if>
<if test="mostStockNum != null">Most_stock_num,</if>
<if test="stockPrice != null">Stock_price,</if>
<if test="stockLeadtime != null">Stock_leadtime,</if>
<if test="pCode != null">P_Code,</if>
<if test="pName != null">P_Name,</if>
<if test="sendflag != null">sendflag,</if>
<if test="GP != null">GP,</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">IS_END,</if>
<if test="createTime != null">create_time,</if>
<if test="createMan != null">create_man,</if>
<if test="worklineclass != null">worklineclass,</if>
<if test="worklineclassNo != null">worklineclass_no,</if>
<if test="pWldm != null">p_wldm,</if>
<if test="hourQty != null">Hour_QTY,</if>
<if test="hourMoney != null">Hour_Money,</if>
<if test="pcsMoney != null">PCS_Money,</if>
<if test="addDate != null">Add_Date,</if>
<if test="factoryCode != null">Factory_Code,</if>
<if test="baseCode != null">base_code,</if>
<if test="houdou != null">houdou,</if>
<if test="fuWidth != null">FU_Width,</if>
<if test="longWidth != null">Long_Width,</if>
<if test="m2 != null">m2,</if>
<if test="tmpCpCode != null">Tmp_CP_Code,</if>
<if test="checkReportNo != null">Check_Report_NO,</if>
<if test="checkReportDate != null">Check_Report_Date,</if>
<if test="checkReportNo2 != null">Check_Report_NO2,</if>
<if test="checkReportDate2 != null">Check_Report_Date2,</if>
<if test="MadeClass != null">MadeClass,</if>
<if test="colorName != null">color_name,</if>
<if test="touxing != null">touxing,</if>
<if test="poDw != null">po_dw,</if>
<if test="confirmMan != null">confirm_man,</if>
<if test="confirmTime != null">confirm_time,</if>
<if test="confirmFlag != null">confirm_flag,</if>
<if test="m2RelationPodw != null">m2_relation_podw,</if>
<if test="id != null">id,</if>
<if test="material != null">material,</if>
<if test="memotext != null">memotext,</if>
<if test="lxzColor != null">LXZ_Color,</if>
<if test="customRd != null">Custom_RD,</if>
<if test="VersionNO != null">VersionNO,</if>
<if test="worklineNo != null">WorkLine_NO,</if>
<if test="worklineName != null">WorkLine_name,</if>
<if test="bcpFlag != null">BCP_Flag,</if>
<if test="ForP != null">ForP,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="wldm != null">#{wldm},</if>
<if test="wlCode != null">#{wlCode},</if>
<if test="hsCode != null">#{hsCode},</if>
<if test="itemname != null">#{itemname},</if>
<if test="enName != null">#{enName},</if>
<if test="itemstandard != null">#{itemstandard},</if>
<if test="machineNo != null">#{machineNo},</if>
<if test="stockDw != null">#{stockDw},</if>
<if test="intakeorchina != null">#{intakeorchina},</if>
<if test="weight != null">#{weight},</if>
<if test="safetyStockNum != null">#{safetyStockNum},</if>
<if test="topStockNum != null">#{topStockNum},</if>
<if test="resortPromptDays != null">#{resortPromptDays},</if>
<if test="Itemclass != null">#{Itemclass},</if>
<if test="Inclass != null">#{Inclass},</if>
<if test="defaultStock != null">#{defaultStock},</if>
<if test="defaultPosition != null">#{defaultPosition},</if>
<if test="isSpecial != null">#{isSpecial},</if>
<if test="specialDepart != null">#{specialDepart},</if>
<if test="costPrice != null">#{costPrice},</if>
<if test="isLimitDraw != null">#{isLimitDraw},</if>
<if test="limitDrawNum != null">#{limitDrawNum},</if>
<if test="firstProvider != null">#{firstProvider},</if>
<if test="seccondProvider != null">#{seccondProvider},</if>
<if test="leastBatchNum != null">#{leastBatchNum},</if>
<if test="mostStockNum != null">#{mostStockNum},</if>
<if test="stockPrice != null">#{stockPrice},</if>
<if test="stockLeadtime != null">#{stockLeadtime},</if>
<if test="pCode != null">#{pCode},</if>
<if test="pName != null">#{pName},</if>
<if test="sendflag != null">#{sendflag},</if>
<if test="GP != null">#{GP},</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">#{isEnd},</if>
<if test="createTime != null">#{createTime},</if>
<if test="createMan != null">#{createMan},</if>
<if test="worklineclass != null">#{worklineclass},</if>
<if test="worklineclassNo != null">#{worklineclassNo},</if>
<if test="pWldm != null">#{pWldm},</if>
<if test="hourQty != null">#{hourQty},</if>
<if test="hourMoney != null">#{hourMoney},</if>
<if test="pcsMoney != null">#{pcsMoney},</if>
<if test="addDate != null">#{addDate},</if>
<if test="factoryCode != null">#{factoryCode},</if>
<if test="baseCode != null">#{baseCode},</if>
<if test="houdou != null">#{houdou},</if>
<if test="fuWidth != null">#{fuWidth},</if>
<if test="longWidth != null">#{longWidth},</if>
<if test="m2 != null">#{m2},</if>
<if test="tmpCpCode != null">#{tmpCpCode},</if>
<if test="checkReportNo != null">#{checkReportNo},</if>
<if test="checkReportDate != null">#{checkReportDate},</if>
<if test="checkReportNo2 != null">#{checkReportNo2},</if>
<if test="checkReportDate2 != null">#{checkReportDate2},</if>
<if test="MadeClass != null">#{MadeClass},</if>
<if test="colorName != null">#{colorName},</if>
<if test="touxing != null">#{touxing},</if>
<if test="poDw != null">#{poDw},</if>
<if test="confirmMan != null">#{confirmMan},</if>
<if test="confirmTime != null">#{confirmTime},</if>
<if test="confirmFlag != null">#{confirmFlag},</if>
<if test="m2RelationPodw != null">#{m2RelationPodw},</if>
<if test="id != null">#{id},</if>
<if test="material != null">#{material},</if>
<if test="memotext != null">#{memotext},</if>
<if test="lxzColor != null">#{lxzColor},</if>
<if test="customRd != null">#{customRd},</if>
<if test="VersionNO != null">#{VersionNO},</if>
<if test="worklineNo != null">#{worklineNo},</if>
<if test="worklineName != null">#{worklineName},</if>
<if test="bcpFlag != null">#{bcpFlag},</if>
<if test="ForP != null">#{ForP},</if>
<update id="updateItemInfo" parameterType="ItemInfo">
update item_info
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="wldm != null">wldm = #{wldm},</if>
<if test="hsCode != null">HS_Code = #{hsCode},</if>
<if test="Itemname != null">Itemname = #{Itemname},</if>
<if test="enName != null">EN_NAME = #{enName},</if>
<if test="Itemstandard != null">Itemstandard = #{Itemstandard},</if>
<if test="machineNo != null">Machine_no = #{machineNo},</if>
<if test="stockDw != null">Stock_dw = #{stockDw},</if>
<if test="intakeorchina != null">intakeorchina = #{intakeorchina},</if>
<if test="weight != null">weight = #{weight},</if>
<if test="safetyStockNum != null">Safety_stock_num = #{safetyStockNum},</if>
<if test="topStockNum != null">Top_stock_num = #{topStockNum},</if>
<if test="resortPromptDays != null">Resort_prompt_days = #{resortPromptDays},</if>
<if test="Itemclass != null">Itemclass = #{Itemclass},</if>
<if test="Inclass != null">Inclass = #{Inclass},</if>
<if test="defaultStock != null">Default_stock = #{defaultStock},</if>
<if test="defaultPosition != null">Default_position = #{defaultPosition},</if>
<if test="isSpecial != null">Is_special = #{isSpecial},</if>
<if test="specialDepart != null">Special_depart = #{specialDepart},</if>
<if test="costPrice != null">Cost_price = #{costPrice},</if>
<if test="isLimitDraw != null">IS_Limit_Draw = #{isLimitDraw},</if>
<if test="limitDrawNum != null">Limit_draw_num = #{limitDrawNum},</if>
<if test="firstProvider != null">First_provider = #{firstProvider},</if>
<if test="seccondProvider != null">Seccond_provider = #{seccondProvider},</if>
<if test="leastBatchNum != null">Least_batch_num = #{leastBatchNum},</if>
<if test="mostStockNum != null">Most_stock_num = #{mostStockNum},</if>
<if test="stockPrice != null">Stock_price = #{stockPrice},</if>
<if test="stockLeadtime != null">Stock_leadtime = #{stockLeadtime},</if>
<if test="pCode != null">P_Code = #{pCode},</if>
<if test="pName != null">P_Name = #{pName},</if>
<if test="sendflag != null">sendflag = #{sendflag},</if>
<if test="GP != null">GP = #{GP},</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">IS_END = #{isEnd},</if>
<if test="createTime != null">create_time = #{createTime},</if>
<if test="createMan != null">create_man = #{createMan},</if>
<if test="worklineclass != null">worklineclass = #{worklineclass},</if>
<if test="worklineclassNo != null">worklineclass_no = #{worklineclassNo},</if>
<if test="pWldm != null">p_wldm = #{pWldm},</if>
<if test="hourQty != null">Hour_QTY = #{hourQty},</if>
<if test="hourMoney != null">Hour_Money = #{hourMoney},</if>
<if test="pcsMoney != null">PCS_Money = #{pcsMoney},</if>
<if test="addDate != null">Add_Date = #{addDate},</if>
<if test="factoryCode != null">Factory_Code = #{factoryCode},</if>
<if test="baseCode != null">base_code = #{baseCode},</if>
<if test="houdou != null">houdou = #{houdou},</if>
<if test="fuWidth != null">FU_Width = #{fuWidth},</if>
<if test="longWidth != null">Long_Width = #{longWidth},</if>
<if test="m2 != null">m2 = #{m2},</if>
<if test="tmpCpCode != null">Tmp_CP_Code = #{tmpCpCode},</if>
<if test="checkReportNo != null">Check_Report_NO = #{checkReportNo},</if>
<if test="checkReportDate != null">Check_Report_Date = #{checkReportDate},</if>
<if test="checkReportNo2 != null">Check_Report_NO2 = #{checkReportNo2},</if>
<if test="checkReportDate2 != null">Check_Report_Date2 = #{checkReportDate2},</if>
<if test="MadeClass != null">MadeClass = #{MadeClass},</if>
<if test="colorName != null">color_name = #{colorName},</if>
<if test="touxing != null">touxing = #{touxing},</if>
<if test="poDw != null">po_dw = #{poDw},</if>
<if test="confirmMan != null">confirm_man = #{confirmMan},</if>
<if test="confirmTime != null">confirm_time = #{confirmTime},</if>
<if test="confirmFlag != null">confirm_flag = #{confirmFlag},</if>
<if test="m2RelationPodw != null">m2_relation_podw = #{m2RelationPodw},</if>
<if test="id != null">id = #{id},</if>
<if test="material != null">material = #{material},</if>
<if test="memotext != null">memotext = #{memotext},</if>
<if test="lxzColor != null">LXZ_Color = #{lxzColor},</if>
<if test="customRd != null">Custom_RD = #{customRd},</if>
<if test="VersionNO != null">VersionNO = #{VersionNO},</if>
<if test="worklineNo != null">WorkLine_NO = #{worklineNo},</if>
<if test="worklineName != null">WorkLine_name = #{worklineName},</if>
<if test="bcpFlag != null">BCP_Flag = #{bcpFlag},</if>
<if test="ForP != null">ForP = #{ForP},</if>
where Wl_Code = #{wlCode}
<delete id="deleteItemInfoById" parameterType="String">
delete from item_info where Wl_Code = #{wlCode}
<delete id="deleteItemInfoByIds" parameterType="String">
delete from item_info where Wl_Code in
<foreach item="wlCode" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">