@ -32,18 +32,21 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<sql id="selectErpDevelopModifyorderVo"> |
select develop_order_id, develop_oder_code, material_no, purchase_storage_status, quality_status, audit_status, complete_status, finsh_status, use_status, material_name, material_type, material_photo_url, material_unit, material_brand, material_describe, material_process_mode, user_id, create_by, create_time, user_name, update_by, update_time, remark from erp_develop_modifyorder |
</sql> |
<select id="selectErpDevelopModifyorderList" parameterType="ErpDevelopModifyorder" resultMap="ErpDevelopModifyorderResult"> |
<include refid="selectErpDevelopModifyorderVo"/> |
select edm.develop_order_id, edm.develop_oder_code, edm.material_no, edm.purchase_storage_status, edm.quality_status, edm.audit_status, edm.complete_status, edm.finsh_status, edm.use_status, edm.material_name, edm.material_type, edm.material_photo_url, edm.material_unit, edm.material_brand, edm.material_describe, edm.material_process_mode, edm.user_id, edm.create_by, edm.create_time, edm.update_by, edm.update_time, edm.remark,su.user_name |
from erp_develop_modifyorder edm |
left join sys_user su on su.user_id = edm.user_id |
<where> |
<if test="developOderCode != null and developOderCode != ''"> and develop_oder_code = #{developOderCode}</if> |
<if test="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and material_no = #{materialNo}</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if> |
<if test="finshStatus != null and finshStatus != ''"> and finsh_status = #{finshStatus}</if> |
<if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if> |
<if test="userId != null "> and user_id = #{userId}</if> |
<if test="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if> |
<if test="developOderCode != null and developOderCode != ''"> and edm.develop_oder_code = #{developOderCode}</if> |
<if test="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and edm.material_no = #{materialNo}</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and edm.audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if> |
<if test="finshStatus != null and finshStatus != ''"> and edm.finsh_status = #{finshStatus}</if> |
<if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and edm.material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if> |
<if test="userId != null "> and edm.user_id = #{userId}</if> |
<if test="createTime != null "> and edm.create_time = #{createTime}</if> |
</where> |
</select> |