14 changed files with 1605 additions and 1434 deletions
@ -1,506 +1,424 @@ |
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<form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-purchaseOrder-detail" th:object="${purchaseOrder}"> |
<input name="purchaseOrderId" th:field="*{purchaseOrderId}" type="hidden"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">采购单号:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="purchaseOrderCode" th:field="*{purchaseOrderCode}" class="form-control" type="text" readonly> |
</div> |
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<form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-purchaseOrder-detail" th:object="${purchaseOrder}"> |
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<label class="col-sm-4 control-label">已选择采购计划:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-7"> |
<input id="purchasePlanCodes" name="purchasePlanCode" class="form-control" type="text"> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">采购类别:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<!-- <input name="purchaseCategory" th:field="*{purchaseCategory}" class="form-control" type="text">--> |
<select name="purchaseCategory" th:field="*{purchaseCategory}" class="form-control m-b" th:with="type=${@dict.getType('purchase_category')}"> |
<option th:each="dict : ${type}" th:text="${dict.dictLabel}" th:value="${dict.dictValue}"></option> |
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<li role="presentation"><a href="purchasePlanModel" aria-controls="purchasePlanModel" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">按采购计划展示</a></li> |
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<div class="row"><h4 class="card-header">公司地址:</h4></div> |
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<label for="stockNo" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">仓库ID:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<select class="form-control" name="stockNo" id="stockNo" ></select> |
</div> |
<label for="stockName" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">仓库名称:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="stockName" id="stockName"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="row"> |
<label for="stockContact" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">收货人:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" name="stockContact" class="form-control" id="stockContact" > |
</div> |
<label for="stockPhone" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">收货电话:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" name="stockPhone" class="form-control" id="stockPhone" placeholder="请输入收货电话"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="stockAddress" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">详细地址:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<textarea class="form-control" name="stockAddress" id="stockAddress"></textarea> |
</div> |
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<div class="other-container"> |
<div class="other"> |
<br><hr> |
<h4>选择采购信息</h4> |
<a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="showQuotationModal()"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 选择材料</a> |
<a class="btn btn-danger" onclick="removeMaterial()" ><i class="fa fa-remove"></i> 删除材料</a> |
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped"> |
<table id="addQuotationTable" style="white-space:nowrap"></table> |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="row"><h4 class="card-header">订单合计:</h4></div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="purchaseMaterialSum" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">物料合计:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="0" id="purchaseMaterialSum"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="modal inmodal" id="supplierQuotationModal" |
role="dilog" aria-hidden="true"> |
<!-- 查询供应商报价--> |
<div class="modal-dialog" style="width: 1000px;background-color: #FFFFFF"> |
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<div class="modal-body"> |
<div class="container-div"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse"> |
<form id="quotationFormId"> |
<div class="select-list"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<label>报价编码:</label> |
<input type="text" name="quotationCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>原辅料代码:</label> |
<input type="text" name="rawSubsidiaryCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>原辅料名称:</label> |
<input type="text" name="rawSubsidiaryName"/> |
</li> |
<!-- <li>--> |
<!-- <label>供应商名称:</label>--> |
<!-- <input type="text" name="supplierName"/>--> |
<!-- </li>--> |
<li> |
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$.table.search('quotationFormId','quotationTable')"><i |
class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a> |
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$.form.reset('quotationFormId','quotationTable')"><i |
class="fa fa-refresh"></i> 重置</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped"> |
<table id="quotationTable" style="white-space:nowrap"></table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-footer"> |
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-rounded" onclick="addQuotationToTable()">确认添加</a> |
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded" onclick="closeQuotationModal()">关闭</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="purchaseSum" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">采购合计:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="0" id="purchaseSum"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="purchaseNoRmbSum" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">不含税采购总价:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="0" id="purchaseNoRmbSum"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="purchaseRmbSum" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">含税采购总价:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="0" id="purchaseRmbSum"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: datetimepicker-js" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: select2-js"/> |
<th:block th:include="include :: bootstrap-table-editable-js"/> |
<script th:inline="javascript"> |
var getData = [[${purchaseOrder}]]; |
var commonCurrencyDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_common_currency')}]]; |
var purchasingUnitDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_unit_class')}]]; |
var materialTypeDatas = [[${@dict.getType('ck_meterialt_type')}]]; |
var confirmTaxDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]]; |
var currentQuoteDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]]; |
var confirmNoDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]]; |
var auditNoDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]]; |
var approveNoDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]]; |
var prefix = ctx + "purchase/purchaseOrder"; |
var prefixSupplierQuotation = ctx + 'system/supplierquotation' |
var prefixPurchaseMaterial = ctx + 'purchase/purchaseMaterial' |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail").validate({ |
focusCleanup: true |
}); |
function submitHandler() { |
// if ($.validate.form()) { |
// $.operate.save(prefix + "/edit", $('#form-purchaseOrder-detail').serialize()); |
// } |
let getData=$('#addQuotationTable').bootstrapTable('getData', true) |
if(getData.length > 0){ |
if ($.validate.form()) { |
$.modal.confirm("确认以上修改吗?", function (){ |
//确认添加选中的物料数据 |
confirmQuotation(); |
$.operate.save(prefix + "/edit", $('#form-purchaseOrder-detail').serialize()); |
}) |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: select2-js" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: datetimepicker-js" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: bootstrap-table-editable-js" /> |
<script th:inline="javascript"> |
var prefix = ctx + "purchase/purchaseOrder"; |
var purchaseOrder = [[${purchaseOrder}]]; |
var materialTypeDatas = [[${@category.getChildByCode('materialType')}]]; |
var auditStatusDatas = [[${@dict.getType('auditStatus')}]]; |
var sysUnitClassDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_unit_class')}]]; |
var processMethodDatas = [[${@dict.getType('processMethod')}]]; |
var warehouseDeptDatas = [[${@dict.getType('warehouseDept')}]]; |
var loginName = [[${@permission.getPrincipalProperty('loginName')}]]; |
$("#form-plan-purchaseOrder-add").validate({focusCleanup: true}); |
var purchasePlanChildList = []; |
var purchasePlanCodes = []; |
var formId = "form-plan-purchaseOrder-add"; |
//根据物料物料数量添加物料分类表,自动生成类似的表单对象 |
//初始根据采购计划单,涉及到物料做分类表 |
//根据采购计划单,获取物料信息,自动生成物料的供应商分类表 |
//获取表单的id; |
var materialList = []; |
var tableIdList = []; |
var $supplierForm; |
var tableDatas = []; |
//获取采购计划单的物料信息 |
// 假设qualityOrderCode已经定义或者可以通过某种方式获取到 |
$(function() { |
// 初始化时默认加载仓库ID列表 |
loadWarehouseCodes(); |
// 假设purchaseOrderCode已经定义或者可以通过某种方式获取到 |
var purchaseOrderCode = [[${purchaseOrder.purchaseOrderCode}]]; // 这里需要实际赋值,比如从前端某个地方读取 |
var purchaseOrderId = [[${purchaseOrder.purchaseOrderId}]]; |
// 初始化表格,假设purchasePlanChildList已定义并包含了需要处理的数据 |
$.getJSON(prefix + "/editPurchaserOrder/" + purchaseOrderId, function(data) { |
$("#purchasePlanCodes").val(data.data.purchasePlanCodes); |
var datas = data.data.purchasePlanChildList; |
purchasePlanChildList = datas; |
var supplierCodes = data.data.supplierCodes; |
var supplierMaterials = {}; |
datas.forEach(function(item) { |
var supplierCode = item.supplierCode; |
var materialCode = item.materialCode; |
// 如果供应商还没有在对象中,就创建一个新的对象 |
if (!supplierMaterials[supplierCode]) {supplierMaterials[supplierCode] = {};} |
// 如果该物料还没有在供应商的对象中,就添加它 |
if (!supplierMaterials[supplierCode][materialCode]) { |
supplierMaterials[supplierCode][materialCode] = { |
...item, materialNum: 0 // 初始化数量为0 |
}; |
} |
supplierMaterials[supplierCode][materialCode].materialNum += item.materialNum; |
}); |
for (var supplierCode in supplierMaterials) { |
if (supplierMaterials.hasOwnProperty(supplierCode)) { |
var supplierData = Object.values(supplierMaterials[supplierCode]); |
createTableForSupplier(supplierCode, supplierData); |
} |
} else { |
$.modal.alertWarning("未选择产品,请选择!") |
} |
} |
$("input[name='billingDate']").datetimepicker({ |
format: "yyyy-mm-dd", |
minView: "month", |
autoclose: true, |
todayBtn: true |
}); |
$(function() { |
//初始化添加材料表 |
$('#addQuotationTable').bootstrapTable({ |
url: prefixPurchaseMaterial + '/list', |
pagination: true, |
pageNumber: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
method: "post", |
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", |
striped: true, // 是否显示行间隔色 |
cache: false, // 是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*) |
showToggle: false, // 是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮 |
cardView: false, // 是否显示详细视图 |
detailView: false, // 是否显示父子表 |
smartDisplay: false, // 加了这个才显示每页显示的行数 |
showExport: false, // 是否显示导出按钮 |
clickToSelect: true, |
paginationDetailHAlign: ' hiddenDetailInfo', |
height: 250, |
uniqueId: 'purchaseOrderChildId', |
queryParams: function (params) { |
//console.log("123"); |
var curParams = { |
// 传递参数查询参数 |
pageSize: params.limit, |
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1, |
purchaseOrderCode: getData.purchaseOrderCode, |
supplierCode: getData.supplierCode, |
supplierName: getData.supplierName |
}; |
// console.log(data[0].enterpriseCode) |
return curParams |
}, |
columns: [{ |
checkbox: true |
}, |
{ |
title: '采购订单子表id', |
field: 'purchaseOrderChildId', |
visible: false |
}, |
{ |
title: '关联采购订单号', |
field: 'purchaseOrderCode', |
}, |
{ |
title: '供应商代码', |
field: 'supplierCode', |
}, |
{ |
title: '供应商名称', |
field: 'supplierName', |
}, |
{ |
title: '物料料号', |
field: 'materialCode', |
}, |
{ |
title: '物料名称', |
field: 'materialName', |
}, |
{ |
title: '物料不含税单价', |
field: 'materialNormb', |
}, |
{ |
title: '物料含税单价', |
field: 'materialRmb', |
}, |
{ |
title: '采购物料数量', |
field: 'materialNum', |
}, |
{ |
title: '物料合计', |
field: 'materialAmount', |
}, |
{ |
title: '数量合计', |
field: 'materialSum', |
}, |
{ |
title: '不含税总价(RMB)', |
field: 'materialNormbsum', |
}, |
{ |
title: '含税总价(RMB)', |
field: 'materialRmbsum', |
}, |
{ |
title: '交货时间', |
field: 'deliveryTime', |
}, |
{ |
title: '收货状态', |
field: 'eceiptStatus', |
}, |
{ |
title: '打款结案状态', |
field: 'paymentStatus', |
}, |
{ |
title: '税率', |
field: 'taxRate', |
}, |
] |
}) |
}); |
//按照物料的维度查看采购订单信息 |
// 初始化表格 |
// 假设purchasePlanChildList已定义并包含了需要处理的数据 |
//物料列表 |
purchasePlanChildList.forEach(function (material, index) { |
var tableId = 'materialCode-' + index; |
var materialTable = "bootstrap-table_" + tableId; |
tableIdList.push(tableId); |
// 创建物料信息的容器 |
var $tableWrapper = $('<div id="material-' + tableId + '""></div>'); |
// 将整个物料信息容器添加到页面 |
$('#purchasePlanMaterial').append($tableWrapper); |
// 添加关联销售订单号信息 |
// 创建表格的容器 |
var $headerDiv = |
$('<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><h3>' + |
'<span><strong>物料 ' + (index + 1) + ': </strong><strong>关联订单号: </strong></span><span class="correlationCodes" id="correlateion-' + tableId + ' ">' + material.purchasePlanCorrelationCode |
+ '</span>' + |
'</h3><div class="col-sm-12"><table class="table-materialCode" id="' + materialTable + '">' + '<table/>' + |
'</div></div></div>'); |
$tableWrapper.append($headerDiv); |
//创建物料库存容器 |
var $stockWrapper = $('<div class="row"><div class="inventory-count " id=" inventory-count-' + tableId + '">'+ |
'<span><strong>可用库存数:</strong></span>'+'<span id="stock-count-' + tableId + '">10 </span>'+'<span>注:含其他订单待领取的库存,仅供参考,请以实际为准.</span>'+ |
'</div></div>'); |
$tableWrapper.append($stockWrapper); |
var materialObj = { |
purchasePlanCode: material.purchasePlanCode, materialCode: material.materialCode, |
photoUrl: material.materialPhotourl, materialName: material.materialName, |
materialType: material.materialType, describe: material.materialDescribe, |
brand: material.materiaBrand, processMethod: material.materialProcessMethod, |
unit: material.materialUnit, warehouseDept:material.warehouseDept, |
materialNum: material.materialNum, |
}; |
var materialData = [materialObj]; |
materialList.push(material); |
tables(materialTable, materialData); |
var $supplierInfo = $('<div class="supplier-card " style="height: 20px;" id="supplierInfo_' + tableId + '"></div>'); |
/*供应商列表*/ |
$.ajax({ |
url: ctx + 'system/supplier/list', |
type: 'post', |
success: function (res) { |
console.log(res) |
if (res.rows.length > 0) { |
var suppliertData = res.rows; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(data)); |
for (let i in suppliertData) { |
// console.log(finishProductData[i].finishProductCode) |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='supplierCode']").append("<option value='" + suppliertData[i].supplierCode + "'>" + suppliertData[i].supplierCode + "</option>"); |
} |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='supplierCode']").val(getData.supplierCode).trigger("change") |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='supplierCode']").change(function () { |
var code = $(this).val(); |
for (let i=0;i<suppliertData.length;i++) { |
if (suppliertData[i].supplierCode == code) { |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='supplierName']").val(suppliertData[i].supplierName); |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='customerContact']").val(suppliertData[i].customerContact); |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='contactNumber']").val(suppliertData[i].contactNumber); |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='customerFax']").val(suppliertData[i].customerFax); |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='paymentTerms']").val(suppliertData[i].paymentTerms); |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail input[name='taxRate']").val(suppliertData[i].taxRate); |
} |
//如果物料下的供应商为空,则不需要添加供应商信息,并在容器中添加一个提示信息:暂无供应商信息,请先添加供应商信息。 |
const uniqueSuppliers = []; |
if (material.purchaseSupplierList.length <= 0) { |
var $noSupplierDiv = $('<div class="no-supplier">暂无供应商信息,请先添加供应商信息。</div>'); |
$tableWrapper.append($noSupplierDiv); |
} |
else{ |
material.purchaseSupplierList.forEach(supplier => { |
const key = `${supplier.supplierCode}_${supplier.materialCode}`; |
if (!uniqueSuppliers.map(s => `${s.supplierCode}_${s.materialCode}`).includes(key)) { |
uniqueSuppliers.push(supplier); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
$.modal.msgError(res.msg); |
}); |
// 循环处理每个供应商的信息 |
uniqueSuppliers.forEach(function (supplier, supplierIndex) { |
//如果供应商相同,则不需要再次添加供应商信息 |
// 卡片样式容器,用于包裹每个供应商的信息 |
// 构建供应商信息头部 |
var $headerContent = |
$('<div class="card-header supplier_card" id = "supplier-' + tableId + '_' + supplierIndex + '">' + |
'<div class="row">' + |
'<div class="crad-text">'+ |
'<h4>供应商 ' + (supplierIndex + 1) + ':' + '</h4>' + |
'<span class="supplierCode">' + supplier.supplierCode + '</span>' + '-' + |
'<span class="supplierName">' + supplier.supplierName + '</span>' + |
'-最新不含税采购价: ' +'<span id="supplierMaterialNoRmb-' + tableId + '" class="supplierMaterialNoRmb">' + supplier.materialNoRmb +'</span>'+ |
' RMB 最新含税采购价: ' +'<span class="supplierMaterialRmb">' + supplier.materialRmb + '</span> RMB ' + |
'<span class="supplierPurchasePlanCode" hidden="hidden" >' + material.planCodes + '</span>' + |
'<span class="supplierCorrelationCode" hidden="hidden" >' + material.correlationCodes + '</span>' + |
'<span class="supplierPurchaseQuoteCode" hidden="hidden" >' + supplier.purchaseQuoteCode + '</span>' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'<div class="row">' + |
'<div class="col-xs-6 form-group">' + |
'<label class="col-sm-4"> 实际采购数: </label>' + |
'<div class ="col-sm-6">' + |
'<input type="text" name="materialNum" class="form-control supplierMaterialNum actualPurchaseNum" id="actualPurchaseNum_' + tableId + '">' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'<div class="col-xs-6 form-group">' + |
'<label class="col-sm-4">计划交付时间: </label>' + |
'<div class ="col-sm-6">' + |
'<div class="input-group date"> ' + |
'<input type="text" name="deliveryTime" class="form-control supplierDeliveryTime" id="deliveryTime_' + tableId + '">' + |
'<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>' + |
'</div> ' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>'); |
if (supplier.supplierCode != undefined && supplier.supplierCode != '' && supplier.supplierCode != null) { |
$supplierInfo.append($headerContent); |
// 构建供应商信息下的输入表单 |
$supplierForm = $('<div class="card-body" id="card_body_' + tableId + '"></div>'); |
// 实际采购数输入框 |
// 其他表单项可以根据需要类似添加 |
$supplierInfo.append($supplierForm); |
}else{ |
var $noSupplierDiv = $('<div class="no-supplier">暂无供应商信息,请先添加供应商信息。</div>'); |
$supplierInfo.append($noSupplierDiv); |
} |
}); |
$tableWrapper.append($supplierInfo); |
} |
} |
}) |
/*用户列表*/ |
$.ajax({ |
url: ctx + 'system/user/list', |
type: 'post', |
success: function (res) { |
console.log(res) |
if (res.rows.length > 0) { |
var usertData = res.rows; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(data)); |
for (let i in usertData) { |
// console.log(finishProductData[i].finishProductCode) |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='purchaseCommander']").append("<option value='" + usertData[i].userName + "'>" + usertData[i].userName + "</option>"); |
tableSetup($supplierInfo, tableId); |
}); |
// 给实际采购数的输入框绑定事件处理器 |
$('.actualPurchaseNum').off('keyup').on('keyup', function(event) { |
if (event.keyCode === 13) { |
var $supplierInfo = $(this).closest('.supplier-card'); |
var $supplierCard = $(this).closest('.supplier_card'); |
var crad = $supplierInfo.attr('id'); |
var tableId = crad.split('_')[1]; |
var purchaseNum = parseFloat($(this).val()) || 0; |
var noRmbPrice = parseFloat($(this).find('.supplierMaterialNoRmb').text().trim()) || 0; |
var rmbPrice = parseFloat($(this).find('.supplierMaterialRmb').text().trim()) || 0; |
var materialIndex = tableId.split('-')[1]; |
// 确保实际采购数不超过计划采购数 |
var maxPurchaseNum = parseFloat(materialList[materialIndex].materialNum); |
// if (purchaseNum > maxPurchaseNum) { |
// purchaseNum = maxPurchaseNum; |
// $(this).val(maxPurchaseNum); |
// } |
//物料所有的供应商的采购数加起来超出了materialList[materialIndex].materialNum,就提示超出计划采购数 |
let actualPurchaseNum = 0; |
$supplierCard.find('.actualPurchaseNum').each(function () { |
actualPurchaseNum += parseInt($(this).val()) || 0; |
}); |
if (actualPurchaseNum > maxPurchaseNum) { |
actualPurchaseNum - maxPurchaseNum; |
} |
// 更新供应商采购总价 |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotal').val(parseFloat(Number(purchaseNum * noRmbPrice).toFixed(2))); |
if (rmbPrice) { |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotalRmb').val(parseFloat(Number(purchaseNum * rmbPrice).toFixed(2))); |
} |
$("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='purchaseCommander']").val(getData.purchaseCommander).trigger("change") |
} else { |
$.modal.msgError(res.msg); |
} |
} |
}) |
/*添加报价信息*/ |
//点击按钮显示报价信息模态框 |
function showQuotationModal() { |
if ($.validate.form()) { |
$("#supplierQuotationModal").modal("show"); |
//显示报价信息 |
showQuotationData(); |
} else { |
$.modal.alertWarning("请填写必填项"); |
} |
} |
//关闭报价信息模态框 |
function closeQuotationModal() { |
$("#supplierQuotationModal").modal("hide"); |
} |
//显示报价信息 |
function showQuotationData() { |
var supplierCode = $("#form-purchaseOrder-detail select[name='supplierCode']").val() |
$("#quotationTable").bootstrapTable("destroy") |
var options = { |
id: 'quotationTable', |
url: prefixSupplierQuotation + "/list", |
modalName: "供应商报价", |
pagination: true, |
pageNumber: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
showRefresh: false, |
showToggle: false, |
clickToSelect: true, |
queryParams: function (params) { |
var curParams = { |
// 传递参数查询参数 |
pageSize: params.limit, |
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1, |
supplierCode: supplierCode |
}; |
let json = $.extend(curParams, $.common.formToJSON("quotationFormId")); |
return json; |
}, |
columns: [ |
{title: '采购单子表编号',field: 'purchaseOrderChildId',visible: false}, |
{title: '关联采购订单号',field: 'purchaseOrderCode',visible: false}, |
{title: '供应商ID',field: 'supplierCode',}, |
{title: '供应商名称',field: 'supplierName',}, |
{title: '物料合计',field: 'materialAmount',}, |
{title: '数量合计',field: 'materialSum',}, |
{title: '不含税总价(RMB)',field: 'materialNoRmbSum',}, |
{title: '含税总价(RMB)',field: 'materialRmbSum',}, |
{title:'收货状态',field: 'eceiptStatus',formatter: function (value, row, index) { |
$.table.selectDictLabel(eceiptStatusDatas, value);} |
}, |
{title:'打款状态',field: 'paymentStatus',formatter: function (value, row, index) { |
$.table.selectDictLabel(paymentStatusDatas, value);} |
}, |
{title: '交货时间',field: 'deliveryTime',visible: false}, |
] |
}; |
$.table.init(options); |
} |
// 如果采购数量大于0,则显示供应商采购总价 |
if (purchaseNum > 0) { |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotal').removeClass('hidden'); |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotalRmb').removeClass('hidden'); |
} else { |
// 否则隐藏供应商采购总价 |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotal').addClass('hidden'); |
$supplierInfo.find('.supplierPurchaseTotalRmb').addClass('hidden'); |
} |
//表中添加选中的物料信息 |
function addQuotationToTable() { |
var data = $("#quotationTable").bootstrapTable("getSelections"); |
var count = $('#addQuotationTable').bootstrapTable('getData').length; |
var purchaseOrderNumber = $("input[name='purchaseOrderNumber']").val(); |
var supplierCode = $("select[name='supplierCode']").val(); |
var supplierName = $("input[name='supplierName']").val(); |
// console.log(data); |
// console.log(count); |
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
let rawSubsidiary = $('#addQuotationTable').bootstrapTable('getRowByUniqueId', data[i].rawSubsidiaryCode); |
if (rawSubsidiary != null) { |
alert(rawSubsidiary.rawSubsidiaryName + "已存在,不可重复添加!"); |
continue; |
recalculateTotals(tableId); // 重新计算当前物料的合计 |
} |
$("#addQuotationTable").bootstrapTable('insertRow', { |
index: count + i, |
row: { |
purchaseOrderNumber: purchaseOrderNumber, |
supplierCode: supplierCode, |
supplierName: supplierName, |
materialQuantity: '', |
amountMoney: '', |
deliveryTime: '', |
purchaseExplain: '', |
accountReconciliationFlag: 0 |
}); |
// 定义一个函数来重新计算当前物料的合计 |
// 初始化总计 |
purchasePlanChildList.forEach(function (material, index) {recalculateTotals('materialCode-' + index);}); |
}); |
}); |
function createTableForSupplier(supplierCode, supplierData) { |
var tableId = 'bootstrap-table-' + supplierCode.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_').toLowerCase(); |
tableDatas.push(tableId); |
var $tableWrapper = $('<div class="table-responsive"></div>'); |
// 确保supplierData至少有一条记录,并从中提取供应商详细信息 |
var supplierInfo = supplierData.length > 0 ? supplierData[0] : {}; // 默认为空对象,以防数据不存在 |
// 构建含有额外供应商信息的标题字符串 |
var headerTitle = '供应商: ' + supplierCode + ' - ' + supplierInfo.supplierName; |
var $header = $('<h4>' + headerTitle + '</h4>'); |
var $table = $('<table id="' + tableId + '" class="table table-striped table-bordered"></table>'); |
$table.bootstrapTable({ |
data: supplierData, |
columns: [ |
{ checkbox: false, visible: false }, |
{ title: '供应商ID', field: 'supplierCode', visible: false }, |
{ title: '料号', field: 'materialCode' }, |
{ title: '图片', field: 'materialPhotoUrl', formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
return $.table.imageView(value); |
} |
}); |
}, |
{ title: '物料名称', field: 'materialName' }, |
{ title: '物料类型', field: 'materialType', align: 'center', formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
return $.table.selectCategoryLabel(materialTypeDatas, value); |
} |
}, |
{ title: '物料描述', field: 'materialDescribe' }, |
{ title: '品牌', field: 'materialBrand' }, |
{ title: '加工类型', field: 'materialProcessMethod', align: 'center', formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
return $.table.selectDictLabel(processMethodDatas, value); |
} |
}, |
{ title: '单位', field: 'materialUnit', align: 'center' }, |
{ title: '入库部门', field: 'warehouseDept', align: 'center', formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
return $.table.selectDictLabel(warehouseDeptDatas, value); |
} |
}, |
{ title: '计划采购数', field: 'materialNum' }, |
{ title: '币种', field: '' }, |
{ title: '不含税采购价', field: 'materialNoRmb' }, |
{ title: '含税采购价', field: 'materialRmb' }, |
{ title: '实际采购数', field: 'materialRealNum"' }, |
{ title: '实际不含税采购金额', field: 'materialRealNoRmb' }, |
{ title: '实际含税采购金额', field: 'materialRealRmb' }, |
{ title: '已入库数', field: 'actualHasArrivedNum' }, |
] |
}); |
$tableWrapper.append($header).append($table); |
$('#supplierMaterial').append($tableWrapper); |
} |
// 加载仓库Id列表函数 |
$("#form-cgjl-edit").validate({focusCleanup: true}); |
//open打开时,模态框foot下新增审核通过和审核拒绝按钮 |
function submitHandler() { |
if ($.validate.form()) { |
if ($('textarea[name="comment"]').val()) { |
$('input[name="p_COM_comment"]').val($('textarea[name="comment"]').val()); |
} |
$("#quotationTable").bootstrapTable("uncheckAll"); |
closeQuotationModal(); |
var taskId = [[${taskId}]]; |
$.operate.save(prefix + "/complete/" + taskId, $('#form-cgjl-edit').serialize()); |
} |
//确认添加选中的物料数据 |
function confirmQuotation() { |
$("#addQuotationTable").bootstrapTable('refresh'); |
let data = $('#addQuotationTable').bootstrapTable('getData', true); |
// console.log(data) |
if (data.length > 0) { |
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
data[i].purchaseOrderNumber = $("input[name='purchaseOrderNumber']").val(); |
data[i].supplierCode = $("select[name='supplierCode']").val(); |
data[i].supplierName = $("input[name='supplierName']").val(); |
} |
//获取仓库相关信息Select2,根据仓库ID查询仓库名称 |
$('#stockNo').on('change', function() { |
var selectedWarehouseCode = $(this).val(); // 获取选中的仓库ID |
if (selectedWarehouseCode) { |
// 发起Ajax请求获取仓库名称 |
$.ajax({ |
type: 'GET', |
url: ctx +'stock/stockInfo/getStockNameByWarehouseCode/' + selectedWarehouseCode, |
dataType: 'json', // 假设返回的数据格式是JSON |
success: function(data) { |
console.log(data); |
// 将获取到的仓库名称填充到输入框 |
if(data.data == null){ |
// 如果返回的数据有问题,可以给出提示或处理 |
$.modal.alertWarning('未能获取到仓库名称!'); |
} |
$('input[name="stockName"]').val(data.data.stockName); |
$('input[name="stockAddress"]').val(data.data.stockAddr); |
$('input[name="stockContact"]').val(data.data.stockManager); |
$('input[name="stockPhone"]').val(data.data.stockManagerPhone); |
}, |
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { |
console.error('Error:', textStatus, errorThrown); |
$.modal.alertWarning('查询仓库名称时发生错误!'); |
} |
$.ajax({ |
url: prefixPurchaseMaterial + '/addEditSave', |
type: "POST", |
data: { |
data: JSON.stringify(data) |
}, |
dataType: "json", |
success: function (resp) { |
// console.log(data) |
console.log(resp) |
}, |
}) |
} |
}); |
} |
// 批量删除成品 |
function removeMaterial() { |
var addQuotationTableData = $("#addQuotationTable").bootstrapTable("getSelections"); |
var ids = []; |
var rawSubsidiaryCodes=[]; |
for (let i = 0;i < addQuotationTableData.length;i++) { |
ids.push(addQuotationTableData[i].purchaseMaterialId) |
rawSubsidiaryCodes.push(addQuotationTableData[i].rawSubsidiaryCode) |
} |
// console.log(ids) |
if (addQuotationTableData.length > 0) { |
$.modal.confirm("是否确认要删除选中的产品?", function (){ |
$.ajax({ |
url: prefixPurchaseMaterial + "/removeMaterial", |
type: "POST", |
data: { |
ids: JSON.stringify(ids) |
}, |
success: function (res) { |
// console.log(ids) |
// console.log(res) |
$.modal.msgSuccess("删除成功") |
// $("#addProductTable").bootstrapTable('refreshOptions', {pageNumber: 1}); // pageNumber:1, 指定页码为第1页 |
// $("#addProductTable").bootstrapTable('refresh'); |
$("#addQuotationTable").bootstrapTable ('remove', { field: 'rawSubsidiaryCode', values: rawSubsidiaryCodes }) |
} |
}) |
}) |
} else { |
alert("请选择需要删除的数据") |
else {$('input[name="warehouseName"]').val('');}// 如果没有选择仓库ID,清空仓库名称输入框 |
}); |
// 加载仓库Id列表函数 |
function loadWarehouseCodes() { |
var url = ctx + 'stock/stockInfo/getAllWarehouseCode'; |
$.ajax({ |
type: 'GET', // 请求类型 |
url: url, // 后端接口URL |
dataType: 'json', // 预期服务器返回的数据类型 |
success: function(data) { |
if (data && Array.isArray(data)) { |
var selectElement = $('#stockNo'); // 获取仓库编号下拉框元素 |
selectElement.empty();// 清空下拉框现有选项 |
$.each(data, function(index, item) { |
selectElement.append('<option value="' + item.stockNO + '">' + item.stockNO + '</option>'); |
}); // 遍历返回的数据,添加为下拉框的选项 |
// $('#warehouseCode').val(purchaseOrder.stockNO); |
} else { |
$.modal.errMsg("数据为空"); |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
}); |
} |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
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