@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="supplierCode != null and supplierCode != ''"> and sup.supplier_code like concat('%', #{supplierCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierCode != null and supplierCode != ''"> and sup.supplier_code like concat('%', #{supplierCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierName != null and supplierName != ''"> and sup.supplier_name like concat('%', #{supplierName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierName != null and supplierName != ''"> and sup.supplier_name like concat('%', #{supplierName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierType != null and supplierType != ''"> and sup.supplier_type = #{supplierType}</if>
<iftest="supplierType != null and supplierType != ''"> and sup.supplier_type = #{supplierType}</if>
<iftest="supplierQualification != null and supplierQualification != ''"> and sup.supplier_qualification = #{supplierQualification}</if>
<iftest="useStatus != null and useStatus != ''"> and sup.use_status = #{useStatus}</if>
<iftest="useStatus != null and useStatus != ''"> and sup.use_status = #{useStatus}</if>
<iftest="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and sup.audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if>
<iftest="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and sup.audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if>
<iftest="purchaseBuyer != null and purchaseBuyer != ''"> and sup.purchase_buyer = #{purchaseBuyer}</if>
<iftest="purchaseBuyer != null and purchaseBuyer != ''"> and sup.purchase_buyer = #{purchaseBuyer}</if>
@ -129,18 +130,6 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="receiveAddress != null and receiveAddress != ''"> or sup.receive_address like concat('%',#{receiveAddress},'%')</if>
<iftest="receiveAddress != null and receiveAddress != ''"> or sup.receive_address like concat('%',#{receiveAddress},'%')</if>
<iftest="invoiceCompanyName != null and invoiceCompanyName != ''"> and sup.invoice_company_name like concat('%', #{invoiceCompanyName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="invoiceCompanyName != null and invoiceCompanyName != ''"> and sup.invoice_company_name like concat('%', #{invoiceCompanyName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="companyTaxNumber != null and companyTaxNumber != ''"> and sup.company_tax_number like concat('%', #{companyTaxNumber}, '%')</if>
<iftest="companyTaxNumber != null and companyTaxNumber != ''"> and sup.company_tax_number like concat('%', #{companyTaxNumber}, '%')</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''">
<iftest="instanceId != null and instanceId != ''"> and sup.instance_id = #{instanceId}</if>
<iftest="instanceType != null and instanceType != ''"> and sup.instance_type = #{instanceType}</if>
<iftest="submitInstanceId != null and submitInstanceId != ''"> and sup.submit_instance_id = #{submitInstanceId}</if>
<iftest="cancelInstanceId != null and cancelInstanceId != ''"> and sup.cancel_instance_id = #{cancelInstanceId}</if>
<iftest="restoreInstanceId != null and restoreInstanceId != ''"> and sup.restore_instance_id = #{restoreInstanceId}</if>
<iftest="applyTitle != null and applyTitle != ''"> and sup.apply_title = #{applyTitle}</if>
<iftest="applyUser != null and applyUser != ''"> and sup.apply_user = #{applyUser}</if>
<iftest="applyTime != null "> and sup.apply_time = #{applyTime}</if>
and sup.create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}
<iftest="keyword != null and keyword != ''"> and ((sup.supplierCode like concat('%',#{keyword},'%') or sup.suppplierName like concat('%',#{keyword},'%'))</if>
order by sup.apply_time asc, sup.create_time desc
order by sup.apply_time asc, sup.create_time desc
@ -176,6 +165,18 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"