@ -30,8 +30,14 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="inventoryCheckCode != null and inventoryCheckCode != ''"> and inventory_check_code = #{inventoryCheckCode}</if>
<iftest="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and material_no = #{materialNo}</if>
<iftest="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if>
<!-- <if test="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and material_no = #{materialNo}</if>-->
<!-- <if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if>-->
<iftest="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''">
and inventory_check_code in ( select inventory_check_code from warehouse_inventory_check_detail where material_no like concat('%', #{materialNo}, '%') )
<iftest="materialName != null and materialName != ''">
and inventory_check_code in ( select inventory_check_code from warehouse_inventory_check_detail where material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%') )
<iftest="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''"> and warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode}</if>
<iftest="warehouseName != null and warehouseName != ''"> and warehouse_name like concat('%', #{warehouseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="params.beginInventoryCheckDate != null and params.beginInventoryCheckDate != '' and params.endInventoryCheckDate != null and params.endInventoryCheckDate != ''"> and inventory_check_date between #{params.beginInventoryCheckDate} and #{params.endInventoryCheckDate}</if>
<iftest="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and material_no = #{materialNo}</if>
<iftest="materialNo != null and materialNo != ''"> and material_no like concat('%', #{materialNo}, '%')</if>
<iftest="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''"> and create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}</if>
@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
where inventory_inquiry_id = #{inventoryInquiryId}