<iftest="shippingInformationCode != null and shippingInformationCode != ''"> and shipping_information_code = #{shippingInformationCode}</if>
<iftest="shippingInformationCode != null and shippingInformationCode != ''"> and shipping_information_code like concat('%', #{shippingInformationCode}, '%') </if>
<iftest="salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != ''"> and sales_order_code = #{salesOrderCode}</if>
<iftest="salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != ''"> and sales_order_code like concat('%', #{salesOrderCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="outOrderCode != null and outOrderCode != ''"> and out_order_code = #{outOrderCode}</if>
<iftest="outOrderCode != null and outOrderCode != ''"> and out_order_code like concat('%', #{outOrderCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="shippingInformationType != null and shippingInformationType != ''"> and shipping_information_type = #{shippingInformationType}</if>
<iftest="shippingInformationType != null and shippingInformationType != ''"> and shipping_information_type = #{shippingInformationType}</if>
<iftest="warehouseOrderType != null and warehouseOrderType != ''"> and warehouse_order_type = #{warehouseOrderType}</if>
<iftest="warehouseOrderType != null and warehouseOrderType != ''"> and warehouse_order_type = #{warehouseOrderType}</if>
<iftest="warehouseOutType != null and warehouseOutType != ''"> and warehouse_out_type = #{warehouseOutType}</if>
<iftest="warehouseOutType != null and warehouseOutType != ''"> and warehouse_out_type = #{warehouseOutType}</if>
<iftest="businessMembers != null and businessMembers != ''"> and business_members = #{businessMembers}</if>
<iftest="businessMembers != null and businessMembers != ''"> and business_members like concat('%', #{businessMembers}, '%')</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''"> and create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''"> and create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}</if>