<iftest="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''"> and outsource_quote_code = #{outsourceQuoteCode}</if>
<iftest="supplierQuoteCode != null and supplierQuoteCode != ''"> and supplier_quote_code = #{supplierQuoteCode}</if>
<iftest="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''"> and outsource_quote_code like concat('%', #{outsourceQuoteCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierQuoteCode != null and supplierQuoteCode != ''"> and supplier_quote_code like concat('%', #{supplierQuoteCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="supplierName != null and supplierName != ''"> and supplier_name like concat('%', #{supplierName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="taxRate != null "> and tax_rate = #{taxRate}</if>
<iftest="pricingDate != null and pricingDate != ''"> and pricingDate = #{pricingDate}</if>
<iftest="params.beginPricingTime != null and params.beginPricingTime != '' and params.endPricingTime != null and params.endPricingTime != ''"> and pricingDate between #{params.beginPricingTime} and #{params.endPricingTime}</if>
<iftest="createBy != null and createBy != ''"> and create_by = #{createBy}</if>
<iftest="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''"> and create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}</if>
<iftest="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if>