1326 changed files with 65 additions and 298114 deletions
@ -1,50 +1,5 @@ |
00:43:32.512 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
00:43:32.513 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
04:56:31.545 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
04:58:56.614 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
04:58:56.615 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
04:58:56.615 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
04:59:24.024 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:11:40.804 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:11:40.805 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:11:40.805 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:12:12.247 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:13:23.024 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:13:23.025 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:13:23.025 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:13:47.704 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:26:01.408 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:26:01.409 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:26:01.409 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:26:37.932 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:30:47.634 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:30:47.635 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:30:47.635 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:31:27.816 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:36:53.398 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:36:53.399 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:36:53.399 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:37:26.635 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:40:44.839 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:40:44.840 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:40:44.840 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:41:12.920 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:51:11.441 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:51:11.442 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:51:11.442 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:51:47.118 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
05:52:46.147 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
05:52:46.148 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
05:52:46.148 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
05:53:48.400 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
06:02:43.632 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
06:02:43.634 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
06:02:43.634 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
06:03:12.945 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
06:18:53.327 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
06:18:53.328 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
06:18:53.328 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
06:19:21.279 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
06:35:17.463 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
06:35:17.464 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
06:35:17.464 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
11:47:36.657 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
15:56:03.944 [schedule-pool-12] INFO sys-user - [run,109] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] |
16:12:42.082 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownSpringSessionValidationScheduler,45] - ====关闭会话验证任务==== |
16:12:42.088 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownAsyncManager,62] - ====关闭后台任务任务线程池==== |
16:12:42.089 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO sys-user - [shutdownEhCacheManager,75] - ====关闭缓存==== |
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ |
# 数据源配置 |
spring: |
datasource: |
type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource |
driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver |
druid: |
# 主库数据源 |
master: |
# url: jdbc:mysql:// |
# username: root |
# password: RuiYi123 |
url: jdbc:mysql:// |
username: root |
password: RuiYi2022 |
# username: root |
# password: RuiYi2022 |
# 从库数据源 |
slave: |
# 从数据源开关/默认关闭 |
enabled: false |
url: |
username: |
password: |
# 初始连接数 |
initialSize: 5 |
# 最小连接池数量 |
minIdle: 10 |
# 最大连接池数量 |
maxActive: 20 |
# 配置获取连接等待超时的时间 |
maxWait: 60000 |
# 配置间隔多久才进行一次检测,检测需要关闭的空闲连接,单位是毫秒 |
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis: 60000 |
# 配置一个连接在池中最小生存的时间,单位是毫秒 |
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis: 300000 |
# 配置一个连接在池中最大生存的时间,单位是毫秒 |
maxEvictableIdleTimeMillis: 900000 |
# 配置检测连接是否有效 |
validationQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL |
testWhileIdle: true |
testOnBorrow: false |
testOnReturn: false |
webStatFilter: |
enabled: true |
statViewServlet: |
enabled: true |
# 设置白名单,不填则允许所有访问 |
allow: |
url-pattern: /druid/* |
# 控制台管理用户名和密码 |
login-username: ruoyi |
login-password: 123456 |
filter: |
stat: |
enabled: true |
# 慢SQL记录 |
log-slow-sql: true |
slow-sql-millis: 1000 |
merge-sql: true |
wall: |
config: |
multi-statement-allow: true |
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ |
# 项目相关配置 |
ruoyi: |
# 名称 |
name: RuoYi |
# 版本 |
version: 4.6.1 |
# 版权年份 |
copyrightYear: 2021 |
# 实例演示开关 |
demoEnabled: false |
# 文件路径 示例( Windows配置c:/ruoyi/uploadPath,Linux配置 /home/ruoyi/uploadPath) |
profile: C:/ruoyi/uploadPath |
# 获取ip地址开关 |
addressEnabled: false |
# 开发环境配置 |
server: |
# 服务器的HTTP端口,默认为80 |
port: 8082 |
servlet: |
# 应用的访问路径 |
context-path: / |
tomcat: |
# tomcat的URI编码 |
uri-encoding: UTF-8 |
# tomcat最大线程数,默认为200 |
max-threads: 801 |
# Tomcat启动初始化的线程数,默认值25 |
min-spare-threads: 30 |
# 日志配置 |
logging: |
level: |
com.ruoyi: debug |
org.springframework: warn |
# 用户配置 |
user: |
password: |
# 密码错误{maxRetryCount}次锁定10分钟 |
maxRetryCount: 5 |
# Spring配置 |
spring: |
# 模板引擎 |
thymeleaf: |
mode: HTML |
encoding: utf-8 |
# 禁用缓存 |
cache: false |
# 资源信息 |
messages: |
# 国际化资源文件路径 |
basename: static/i18n/messages |
jackson: |
time-zone: GMT+8 |
date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
profiles: |
active: druid |
# 文件上传 |
servlet: |
multipart: |
# 单个文件大小 |
max-file-size: 10MB |
# 设置总上传的文件大小 |
max-request-size: 20MB |
# 服务模块 |
devtools: |
restart: |
# 热部署开关 |
enabled: true |
activiti: |
check-process-definitions: false |
# 检测身份信息表是否存在 |
db-identity-used: false |
# MyBatis |
mybatis: |
# 搜索指定包别名 |
typeAliasesPackage: com.ruoyi.**.domain,com.ruoyi.**.**.domain |
# 配置mapper的扫描,找到所有的mapper.xml映射文件 |
mapperLocations: classpath*:mapper/**/*Mapper.xml |
# 加载全局的配置文件 |
configLocation: classpath:mybatis/mybatis-config.xml |
# PageHelper分页插件 |
pagehelper: |
helperDialect: mysql |
reasonable: true |
supportMethodsArguments: true |
params: count=countSql |
# Shiro |
shiro: |
user: |
# 登录地址 |
loginUrl: /login |
# 权限认证失败地址 |
unauthorizedUrl: /unauth |
# 首页地址 |
indexUrl: /index |
# 验证码开关 |
captchaEnabled: true |
# 验证码类型 math 数组计算 char 字符 |
captchaType: math |
cookie: |
# 设置Cookie的域名 默认空,即当前访问的域名 |
domain: |
# 设置cookie的有效访问路径 |
path: / |
# 设置HttpOnly属性 |
httpOnly: true |
# 设置Cookie的过期时间,天为单位 |
maxAge: 30 |
session: |
# Session超时时间,-1代表永不过期(默认30分钟) |
expireTime: 30 |
# 同步session到数据库的周期(默认1分钟) |
dbSyncPeriod: 1 |
# 相隔多久检查一次session的有效性,默认就是10分钟 |
validationInterval: 10 |
# 同一个用户最大会话数,比如2的意思是同一个账号允许最多同时两个人登录(默认-1不限制) |
maxSession: -1 |
# 踢出之前登录的/之后登录的用户,默认踢出之前登录的用户 |
kickoutAfter: false |
# 防止XSS攻击 |
xss: |
# 过滤开关 |
enabled: true |
# 排除链接(多个用逗号分隔) |
excludes: /system/notice/* |
# 匹配链接 |
urlPatterns: /system/*,/monitor/*,/tool/* |
# Swagger配置 |
swagger: |
# 是否开启swagger |
enabled: true |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
Application Version: ${ruoyi.version} |
Spring Boot Version: ${spring-boot.version} |
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
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Reference in new issue