<iftest="businessMembers != null and businessMembers != ''"> and s.business_members = #{businessMembers}</if>
<iftest="businessMembers != null and businessMembers != ''"> and s.business_members = #{businessMembers}</if>
<iftest="supplierCode!= null and supplierCode != ''"> and s.supplierCode like concat('%', #{supplierCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="customerCode!= null and customerCode != ''"> and s.customerCode like concat('%', #{customerCode}, '%')</if>
<iftest="customerName!= null and customerName != ''"> and s.customerName like concat('%', #{customerName}, '%')</if>
@ -84,14 +88,26 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="applyUser != null and applyUser != ''"> and s.apply_user = #{applyUser}</if>
<iftest="applyTime != null "> and s.apply_time = #{applyTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime != null and params.beginCreateTime != '' and params.endCreateTime != null and params.endCreateTime != ''">
and s.pricingDate between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}
and s.pricingDate between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}
<iftest="params.beginCreateTime1 != null and params.beginCreateTime1 != '' and params.endCreateTime1 != null and params.endCreateTime1 != ''">
and s.create_time between #{params.beginCreateTime} and #{params.endCreateTime}
<iftest="keyword != null and keyword != ''"> and ((s.customerCode like concat('%',#{keyword},'%') or s.customerName like concat('%',#{keyword},'%'))</if>
<iftest="keyword != null and keyword != ''"> and ((s.customerCode like concat('%',#{keyword},'%') or s.customerName like concat('%',#{keyword},'%')))</if>
<iftest="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''">
and c.materialCode like concat('%',#{materialCode},'%')
<iftest="materialName != null and materialName != ''">
and c.materialName like concat('%',#{materialName},'%')
order by s.audit_status asc ,s.create_time desc
group by s.id, s.supplierCode, s.customerCode, s.customerName, s.pricingDate, s.enterprise, s.enterpriseSum, s.common_currency,