@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<result property="materialName" column="material_name" /> |
<result property="materialType" column="material_type" /> |
<result property="materialDescribe" column="material_describe" /> |
<result property="materialUnit" column="material_unit" /> |
<result property="materialBrand" column="material_brand" /> |
<result property="actualScrapQuantity" column="actual_scrap_quantity" /> |
<result property="scrapType" column="scrap_type" /> |
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
actual_scrap_quantity, scrap_type, scrap_detail, quality_assessment, |
estimated_value_rmb, responsible_unit, remark, warehouse_code, warehouse_name, |
warehouse_store_address, apply_dept_id, apply_dept, create_time, create_by, |
update_by, update_time |
update_by, update_time, material_unit |
from warehouse_inventory_report_damage_child |
</sql> |
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if> |
<if test="materialType != null and materialType != ''"> and material_type = #{materialType}</if> |
<if test="materialDescribe != null and materialDescribe != ''"> and material_describe = #{materialDescribe}</if> |
<if test="materialUnit != null and materialUnit != ''"> and material_unit = #{materialUnit}</if> |
<if test="materialBrand != null and materialBrand != ''"> and material_brand = #{materialBrand}</if> |
<if test="actualScrapQuantity != null "> and actual_scrap_quantity = #{actualScrapQuantity}</if> |
<if test="scrapType != null and scrapType != ''"> and scrap_type = #{scrapType}</if> |
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<include refid="selectWarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildVo"/> |
where report_damage_child_id = #{reportDamageChildId} |
</select> |
<select id="selectWarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildByCode" parameterType="Long" resultMap="WarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildResult"> |
<select id="selectWarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildByCode" parameterType="String" resultMap="WarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildResult"> |
<include refid="selectWarehouseInventoryReportDamageChildVo"/> |
where report_damage_code = #{reportDamageCode} |
</select> |
@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<if test="materialName != null">material_name,</if> |
<if test="materialType != null">material_type,</if> |
<if test="materialDescribe != null">material_describe,</if> |
<if test="materialUnit != null">material_unit,</if> |
<if test="materialBrand != null">material_brand,</if> |
<if test="actualScrapQuantity != null">actual_scrap_quantity,</if> |
<if test="scrapType != null">scrap_type,</if> |
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<if test="materialName != null">#{materialName},</if> |
<if test="materialType != null">#{materialType},</if> |
<if test="materialDescribe != null">#{materialDescribe},</if> |
<if test="materialUnit != null">#{materialUnit},</if> |
<if test="materialBrand != null">#{materialBrand},</if> |
<if test="actualScrapQuantity != null">#{actualScrapQuantity},</if> |
<if test="scrapType != null">#{scrapType},</if> |
@ -139,6 +143,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
<if test="materialName != null">material_name = #{materialName},</if> |
<if test="materialType != null">material_type = #{materialType},</if> |
<if test="materialDescribe != null">material_describe = #{materialDescribe},</if> |
<if test="materialUnit != null">material_unit = #{materialUnit},</if> |
<if test="materialBrand != null">material_brand = #{materialBrand},</if> |
<if test="actualScrapQuantity != null">actual_scrap_quantity = #{actualScrapQuantity},</if> |
<if test="scrapType != null">scrap_type = #{scrapType},</if> |