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整合新增委外报价 controller 整合新增委外报价 Service 整合新增委外报价 ServiceImpl 整合新增委外报价 Mapper 整合新增委外报价 Mapper.xml 整合新增委外报价 相关前端页面dev
8 changed files with 1202 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
package com.ruoyi.system.controller; |
import java.util.List; |
import com.ruoyi.common.utils.poi.ExcelUtil; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.OutsourceQuote; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.OutsourceQuoteChild; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.Vo.OutsourceQuoteVO; |
import com.ruoyi.system.service.IOutsourceProcessService; |
import com.ruoyi.system.service.IOutsourceQuoteService; |
import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; |
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; |
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; |
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; |
import com.ruoyi.common.annotation.Log; |
import com.ruoyi.common.enums.BusinessType; |
import com.ruoyi.common.core.controller.BaseController; |
import com.ruoyi.common.core.domain.AjaxResult; |
import; |
/** |
* 委外报价Controller |
* |
* @author ruoyi |
* @date 2024-07-01 |
*/ |
@Controller |
@RequestMapping("/system/outsource_quote") |
public class OutsourceQuoteController extends BaseController |
{ |
private String prefix = "system/outsource_quote"; |
@Autowired |
private IOutsourceQuoteService outsourceQuoteService; |
@Autowired |
private IOutsourceProcessService outsourceProcessService; |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:view") |
@GetMapping() |
public String outsource_quote() |
{ |
return prefix + "/outsource_quote"; |
} |
/** |
* 查询委外报价列表 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:list") |
@PostMapping("/list") |
@ResponseBody |
public TableDataInfo list(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote) |
{ |
startPage(); |
List<OutsourceQuote> list = outsourceQuoteService.selectOutsourceQuoteList(outsourceQuote); |
return getDataTable(list); |
} |
/** |
* 导出委外报价列表 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:export") |
@Log(title = "委外报价", businessType = BusinessType.EXPORT) |
@PostMapping("/export") |
@ResponseBody |
public AjaxResult export(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote) |
{ |
List<OutsourceQuote> list = outsourceQuoteService.selectOutsourceQuoteList(outsourceQuote); |
ExcelUtil<OutsourceQuote> util = new ExcelUtil<OutsourceQuote>(OutsourceQuote.class); |
return util.exportExcel(list, "委外报价数据"); |
} |
/** |
* 表格细节视图 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:detail") |
@GetMapping("/detail/{outsourceQuoteId}") |
public String detail(@PathVariable("outsourceQuoteId") int outsourceQuoteId, ModelMap mmap) |
{ |
mmap.put("outsourceQuote", outsourceQuoteService.selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(outsourceQuoteId)); |
return prefix + "/detail"; |
} |
/** |
* 新增委外报价 |
*/ |
@GetMapping("/add") |
public String add() |
{ |
return prefix + "/add"; |
} |
/** |
* 新增委外报价 |
*/ |
@GetMapping("/processadd") |
public String processadd() |
{ |
return prefix + "/processadd"; |
} |
/** |
* 新增保存委外报价 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:add") |
@Log(title = "委外报价", businessType = BusinessType.INSERT) |
@PostMapping("/add") |
@ResponseBody |
public AjaxResult addSave(OutsourceQuoteVO childVO) |
{ |
System.out.println(childVO); |
return toAjax(outsourceQuoteService.insertOutsourceQuote(childVO)); |
} |
/** |
* 修改委外报价 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:edit") |
@GetMapping("/edit/{outsourceQuoteId}") |
public String edit(@PathVariable("outsourceQuoteId") Integer outsourceQuoteId, ModelMap mmap) |
{ |
OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote = outsourceQuoteService.selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(outsourceQuoteId); |
System.out.println(outsourceQuote.toString()); |
mmap.put("outsourceQuote", outsourceQuote); |
return prefix + "/edit"; |
} |
/** |
* 修改保存委外报价 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:edit") |
@Log(title = "委外报价", businessType = BusinessType.UPDATE) |
@PostMapping("/edit") |
@ResponseBody |
public AjaxResult editSave(@RequestBody OutsourceQuoteVO childVO) |
{ |
System.out.println(childVO.toString()); |
List<OutsourceQuoteChild> children = childVO.getOutsourceQuoteChildList(); |
for (OutsourceQuoteChild child:children) { |
child.setOutsourceQuoteCode(childVO.getOutsourceQuoteCode()); |
child.setSupplierCode(childVO.getSupplierQuoteCode()); |
child.setSupplierName(childVO.getSupplierName()); |
child.setTaxRate(childVO.getTaxRate()); |
} |
OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote = new OutsourceQuote(); |
outsourceQuote.setPricingDate(childVO.getPricingDate()); |
outsourceQuote.setProcessAmount(children.size()); |
outsourceQuote.setSupplierQuoteCode(childVO.getSupplierQuoteCode()); |
outsourceQuote.setSupplierName(childVO.getSupplierName()); |
outsourceQuote.setOutsourceQuoteChildList(children); |
return toAjax(outsourceQuoteService.updateOutsourceQuote(outsourceQuote)); |
} |
/** |
* 删除委外报价 |
*/ |
@RequiresPermissions("system:outsource_quote:remove") |
@Log(title = "委外报价", businessType = BusinessType.DELETE) |
@PostMapping( "/remove") |
@ResponseBody |
public AjaxResult remove(String ids) |
{ |
return toAjax(outsourceQuoteService.deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteIds(ids)); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
package com.ruoyi.system.service; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.OutsourceQuote; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.Vo.OutsourceQuoteVO; |
import java.util.List; |
/** |
* 委外报价Service接口 |
* |
* @author ruoyi |
* @date 2024-07-01 |
*/ |
public interface IOutsourceQuoteService |
{ |
/** |
* 查询委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteId 委外报价主键 |
* @return 委外报价 |
*/ |
public OutsourceQuote selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(Integer outsourceQuoteId); |
/** |
* 查询委外报价列表 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价 |
* @return 委外报价集合 |
*/ |
public List<OutsourceQuote> selectOutsourceQuoteList(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote); |
/** |
* 新增委外报价 |
* |
* @param childVO 委外报价 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
public int insertOutsourceQuote(OutsourceQuoteVO childVO); |
/** |
* 修改委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
public int updateOutsourceQuote(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote); |
/** |
* 批量删除委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteIds 需要删除的委外报价主键集合 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
public int deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteIds(String outsourceQuoteIds); |
/** |
* 删除委外报价信息 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteId 委外报价主键 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
public int deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(Integer outsourceQuoteId); |
/** |
* 新增委外报价工序信息信息 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价对象 |
*/ |
public void insertOutsourceQuoteChild(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
package com.ruoyi.system.service.impl; |
import java.util.List; |
import com.ruoyi.common.utils.DateUtils; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.OutsourceQuote; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.OutsourceQuoteChild; |
import com.ruoyi.system.domain.Vo.OutsourceQuoteVO; |
import com.ruoyi.system.mapper.OutsourceQuoteMapper; |
import com.ruoyi.system.service.IOutsourceQuoteService; |
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
import com.ruoyi.common.utils.StringUtils; |
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; |
import com.ruoyi.common.core.text.Convert; |
/** |
* 委外报价Service业务层处理 |
* |
* @author ruoyi |
* @date 2024-07-01 |
*/ |
@Service |
public class OutsourceQuoteServiceImpl implements IOutsourceQuoteService |
{ |
@Autowired |
private OutsourceQuoteMapper outsourceQuoteMapper; |
/** |
* 查询委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteId 委外报价主键 |
* @return 委外报价 |
*/ |
@Override |
public OutsourceQuote selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(Integer outsourceQuoteId) |
{ |
OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote = outsourceQuoteMapper.selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(outsourceQuoteId); |
List<OutsourceQuoteChild> children = outsourceQuoteMapper.selectOutsourceQuoteChildList(outsourceQuote.getOutsourceQuoteCode()); |
outsourceQuote.setOutsourceQuoteChildList(children); |
return outsourceQuote; |
} |
/** |
* 查询委外报价列表 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价 |
* @return 委外报价 |
*/ |
@Override |
public List<OutsourceQuote> selectOutsourceQuoteList(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote) |
{ |
return outsourceQuoteMapper.selectOutsourceQuoteList(outsourceQuote); |
} |
/** |
* 新增委外报价 |
* |
* @param childVO 委外报价 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
@Transactional |
@Override |
public int insertOutsourceQuote(OutsourceQuoteVO childVO) |
{ |
// System.out.println(childVO.toString());
// System.out.println(childVO.getOutsourceQuoteCode());
List<OutsourceQuoteChild> children = childVO.getOutsourceQuoteChildList(); |
for (OutsourceQuoteChild child:children) { |
child.setOutsourceQuoteCode(childVO.getOutsourceQuoteCode()); |
child.setSupplierCode(childVO.getSupplierQuoteCode()); |
child.setSupplierName(childVO.getSupplierName()); |
child.setTaxRate(childVO.getTaxRate()); |
} |
System.out.println(children); |
OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote = new OutsourceQuote(); |
outsourceQuote.setOutsourceQuoteCode(childVO.getOutsourceQuoteCode()); |
outsourceQuote.setPricingDate(DateUtils.parseDate(childVO.getPricingDate())); |
outsourceQuote.setProcessAmount(children.size()); |
outsourceQuote.setSupplierQuoteCode(childVO.getSupplierQuoteCode()); |
outsourceQuote.setSupplierName(childVO.getSupplierName()); |
outsourceQuote.setOutsourceQuoteChildList(children); |
outsourceQuote.setCreateTime(DateUtils.getNowDate()); |
int rows = outsourceQuoteMapper.insertOutsourceQuote(outsourceQuote); |
insertOutsourceQuoteChild(outsourceQuote); |
return rows; |
} |
/** |
* 修改委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
@Transactional |
@Override |
public int updateOutsourceQuote(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote) |
{ |
outsourceQuote.setUpdateTime(DateUtils.getNowDate()); |
outsourceQuoteMapper.deleteOutsourceQuoteChildByOutsourceProcessCode(outsourceQuote.getOutsourceQuoteId()); |
insertOutsourceQuoteChild(outsourceQuote); |
return outsourceQuoteMapper.updateOutsourceQuote(outsourceQuote); |
} |
/** |
* 批量删除委外报价 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteIds 需要删除的委外报价主键 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
@Transactional |
@Override |
public int deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteIds(String outsourceQuoteIds) |
{ |
outsourceQuoteMapper.deleteOutsourceQuoteChildByOutsourceProcessCodes(Convert.toStrArray(outsourceQuoteIds)); |
return outsourceQuoteMapper.deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteIds(Convert.toStrArray(outsourceQuoteIds)); |
} |
/** |
* 删除委外报价信息 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuoteId 委外报价主键 |
* @return 结果 |
*/ |
@Transactional |
@Override |
public int deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(Integer outsourceQuoteId) |
{ |
outsourceQuoteMapper.deleteOutsourceQuoteChildByOutsourceProcessCode(outsourceQuoteId); |
return outsourceQuoteMapper.deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId(outsourceQuoteId); |
} |
/** |
* 新增委外报价工序信息 |
* |
* @param outsourceQuote 委外报价对象 |
*/ |
public void insertOutsourceQuoteChild(OutsourceQuote outsourceQuote) |
{ |
List<OutsourceQuoteChild> outsourceQuoteChildList = outsourceQuote.getOutsourceQuoteChildList(); |
if (StringUtils.isNotNull(outsourceQuoteChildList)) |
{ |
if (outsourceQuoteChildList.size() > 0) |
{ |
outsourceQuoteMapper.batchOutsourceQuoteChild(outsourceQuoteChildList); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
<!DOCTYPE mapper |
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" |
""> |
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.system.mapper.OutsourceQuoteMapper"> |
<resultMap type="OutsourceQuote" id="OutsourceQuoteResult"> |
<result property="outsourceQuoteId" column="outsource_quote_id" /> |
<result property="outsourceQuoteCode" column="outsource_quote_code" /> |
<result property="supplierQuoteCode" column="supplier_quote_code" /> |
<result property="supplierName" column="supplier_name" /> |
<result property="processAmount" column="process_amount" /> |
<result property="taxRate" column="tax_rate" /> |
<result property="pricingDate" column="pricingDate" /> |
<result property="createBy" column="create_by" /> |
<result property="createTime" column="create_time" /> |
<result property="updateBy" column="update_by" /> |
<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" /> |
<result property="auditStatus" column="audit_status" /> |
<result property="remark" column="remark" /> |
</resultMap> |
<resultMap id="OutsourceQuoteOutsourceQuoteChildResult" type="OutsourceQuote" extends="OutsourceQuoteResult"> |
<collection property="outsourceQuoteChildList" ofType="OutsourceQuoteChild" column="outsource_quote_id" select="selectOutsourceQuoteChildList" /> |
</resultMap> |
<resultMap type="OutsourceQuoteChild" id="OutsourceQuoteChildResult"> |
<result property="outsourceQuoteChildId" column="outsource_quote_child_id" /> |
<result property="outsourceQuoteCode" column="outsource_quote_code" /> |
<result property="outsourceProcessNo" column="outsource_process_no" /> |
<result property="outsourceProcessCode" column="outsource_process_code" /> |
<result property="outsourceProcessName" column="outsource_process_name" /> |
<result property="remark" column="remark" /> |
<result property="taxRate" column="tax_rate" /> |
<result property="materialRmb" column="material_rmb" /> |
<result property="materialNormb" column="material_noRmb" /> |
<result property="chargeUnit" column="charge_unit" /> |
<result property="supplierCode" column="supplier_code" /> |
<result property="supplierName" column="supplier_name" /> |
<result property="createBy" column="create_by" /> |
<result property="createTime" column="create_time" /> |
<result property="updateBy" column="update_by" /> |
<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" /> |
<result property="auditStatus" column="audit_status" /> |
</resultMap> |
<sql id="selectOutsourceQuoteVo"> |
select outsource_quote_id, outsource_quote_code, supplier_quote_code, supplier_name, process_amount, tax_rate, pricingDate, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, audit_status, remark from outsource_quote |
</sql> |
<select id="selectOutsourceQuoteList" parameterType="OutsourceQuote" resultMap="OutsourceQuoteResult"> |
<include refid="selectOutsourceQuoteVo"/> |
<where> |
<if test="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''"> and outsource_quote_code = #{outsourceQuoteCode}</if> |
<if test="supplierQuoteCode != null and supplierQuoteCode != ''"> and supplier_quote_code = #{supplierQuoteCode}</if> |
<if test="supplierName != null and supplierName != ''"> and supplier_name like concat('%', #{supplierName}, '%')</if> |
<if test="taxRate != null "> and tax_rate = #{taxRate}</if> |
<if test="pricingDate != null and pricingDate != ''"> and pricingDate = #{pricingDate}</if> |
<if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''"> and create_by = #{createBy}</if> |
<if test="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null and auditStatus != ''"> and audit_status = #{auditStatus}</if> |
</where> |
</select> |
<select id="selectOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId" parameterType="Integer" resultMap="OutsourceQuoteOutsourceQuoteChildResult"> |
select outsource_quote_id, outsource_quote_code, supplier_quote_code, supplier_name, process_amount, tax_rate, pricingDate, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, audit_status, remark |
from outsource_quote |
where outsource_quote_id = #{outsourceQuoteId} |
</select> |
<select id="selectOutsourceQuoteChildList" resultType="OutsourceQuoteChild" resultMap="OutsourceQuoteChildResult"> |
select outsource_quote_child_id, outsource_quote_code, outsource_process_code, outsource_process_no, outsource_process_name, remark, tax_rate, material_rmb, material_noRmb, supplier_code, supplier_name, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, audit_status |
from outsource_quote_child |
where outsource_quote_code = #{outsource_quote_code} |
</select> |
<insert id="insertOutsourceQuote" parameterType="OutsourceQuote" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="outsourceQuoteCode"> |
insert into outsource_quote |
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
<if test="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''">outsource_quote_code,</if> |
<if test="supplierQuoteCode != null">supplier_quote_code,</if> |
<if test="supplierName != null">supplier_name,</if> |
<if test="processAmount != null">process_amount,</if> |
<if test="taxRate != null">tax_rate,</if> |
<if test="pricingDate != null">pricingDate,</if> |
<if test="createBy != null">create_by,</if> |
<if test="createTime != null">create_time,</if> |
<if test="updateBy != null">update_by,</if> |
<if test="updateTime != null">update_time,</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null">audit_status,</if> |
<if test="remark != null">remark,</if> |
</trim> |
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
<if test="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''">#{outsourceQuoteCode},</if> |
<if test="supplierQuoteCode != null">#{supplierQuoteCode},</if> |
<if test="supplierName != null">#{supplierName},</if> |
<if test="processAmount != null">#{processAmount},</if> |
<if test="taxRate != null">#{taxRate},</if> |
<if test="pricingDate != null">#{pricingDate},</if> |
<if test="createBy != null">#{createBy},</if> |
<if test="createTime != null">#{createTime},</if> |
<if test="updateBy != null">#{updateBy},</if> |
<if test="updateTime != null">#{updateTime},</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null">#{auditStatus},</if> |
<if test="remark != null">#{remark},</if> |
</trim> |
</insert> |
<update id="updateOutsourceQuote" parameterType="OutsourceQuote"> |
update outsource_quote |
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> |
<if test="outsourceQuoteCode != null and outsourceQuoteCode != ''">outsource_quote_code = #{outsourceQuoteCode},</if> |
<if test="supplierQuoteCode != null">supplier_quote_code = #{supplierQuoteCode},</if> |
<if test="supplierName != null">supplier_name = #{supplierName},</if> |
<if test="processAmount != null">process_amount = #{processAmount},</if> |
<if test="taxRate != null">tax_rate = #{taxRate},</if> |
<if test="pricingDate != null">pricingDate = #{pricingDate},</if> |
<if test="createBy != null">create_by = #{createBy},</if> |
<if test="createTime != null">create_time = #{createTime},</if> |
<if test="updateBy != null">update_by = #{updateBy},</if> |
<if test="updateTime != null">update_time = #{updateTime},</if> |
<if test="auditStatus != null">audit_status = #{auditStatus},</if> |
<if test="remark != null">remark = #{remark},</if> |
</trim> |
where outsource_quote_id = #{outsourceQuoteId} |
</update> |
<delete id="deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteId" parameterType="Integer"> |
delete from outsource_quote where outsource_quote_id = #{outsourceQuoteId} |
</delete> |
<delete id="deleteOutsourceQuoteByOutsourceQuoteIds" parameterType="String"> |
delete from outsource_quote where outsource_quote_id in |
<foreach item="outsourceQuoteId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> |
#{outsourceQuoteId} |
</foreach> |
</delete> |
<delete id="deleteOutsourceQuoteChildByOutsourceProcessCode" parameterType="String"> |
delete from outsource_quote_child where outsource_process_code in |
<foreach item="outsourceProcessCode" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> |
#{outsourceProcessCode} |
</foreach> |
</delete> |
<select id="selectQuoteChildListByProcessNo" parameterType="String" resultMap="OutsourceQuoteChildResult"> |
select outsource_quote_child_id, outsource_quote_code, outsource_process_code, outsource_process_no, outsource_process_name, remark, tax_rate, material_rmb, material_noRmb, supplier_code, supplier_name, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, audit_status,charge_unit |
from outsource_quote_child |
where outsource_process_no = #{outsource_process_no} |
</select> |
<delete id="deleteOutsourceQuoteChildByOutsourceQuoteCode" parameterType="String"> |
delete from outsource_quote_child where outsource_quote_code = #{outsourceQuoteCode} |
</delete> |
<insert id="batchOutsourceQuoteChild"> |
insert into outsource_quote_child( outsource_quote_child_id, outsource_quote_code, outsource_process_code, outsource_process_no, outsource_process_name, remark, tax_rate, material_rmb, material_noRmb, supplier_code, supplier_name, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, audit_status) values |
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" separator=","> |
( #{item.outsourceQuoteChildId}, #{item.outsourceQuoteCode}, #{item.outsourceProcessCode}, #{item.outsourceProcessNo}, #{item.outsourceProcessName}, #{item.remark}, #{item.taxRate}, #{item.materialRmb}, #{item.materialNormb}, #{item.supplierCode}, #{item.supplierName}, #{item.createBy}, #{item.createTime}, #{item.updateBy}, #{item.updateTime}, #{item.auditStatus}) |
</foreach> |
</insert> |
</mapper> |
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="zh" xmlns:th="" xmlns:shiro=""> |
<head> |
<th:block th:include="include :: header('新增委外报价')" /> |
<style> |
#form-outsource_quote-add .table{ |
overflow: visible; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body class="white-bg"> |
<div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeInRight ibox-content"> |
<form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-outsource_quote-add"> |
<h4 class="form-header h4">委外报价信息</h4> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label is-required">委外报价单号:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="outsourceQuoteCode" readonly="readonly" class="form-control" type="text" value=" |
WWBJ002"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">供应商编号:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="supplierQuoteCode" class="form-control" type="text"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">供应商名称:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="supplierName" class="form-control" type="text"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col-xs-12"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">税率:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="taxRate" class="form-control" type="text"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col-xs-12"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">定价日期:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="pricingDate" class="time-input" type="text" placeholder="请选择定价时间"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col-xs-12"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">备注:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<input name="remark" class="form-control" type="text"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<h4 class="form-header h4">委外报价工序信息</h4> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-xs-12"> |
<!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-blue btn-sm" onclick="addRow()"><i class="fa fa-plus"> 增加</i></button>--> |
<a class="btn btn-success" onclick="processadd()" shiro:hasPermission="system:outsource_quote:processadd"> |
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 添加 |
</a> |
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped"> |
<table id="bootstrap-table-process"></table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: jquery-cxselect-js" /> |
<th:block th:include="include :: bootstrap-table-editable-js"/> |
<script th:inline="javascript"> |
var prefix = ctx + "system/outsource_quote"; |
var chargeUnitDatas = [[${@dict.getType("charge_unit")}]] |
$("#form-outsource_quote-add").validate({ |
focusCleanup: true |
}); |
// 保存信息 刷新表格 |
function saveJson(url, data, callback) { |
var config = { |
url: url, |
type: "post", |
dataType: "json", |
contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", |
data: data, |
beforeSend: function () { |
$.modal.loading("正在处理中,请稍后..."); |
$.modal.disable(); |
}, |
success: function(result) { |
if (typeof callback == "function") { |
callback(result); |
} |
$.operate.successCallback(result); |
} |
}; |
$.ajax(config) |
}; |
function submitHandler() { |
var url = prefix + "/add"; |
var outsourceQuote = { |
}; |
if ($.validate.form()) { |
var outsourceQuoteChildList = []; |
// 获取表单数据 |
const outsourceQuoteData = $("#form-outsource_quote-add").serializeArray().reduce((obj, item) => { |
obj[] = item.value; |
return obj; |
}, {}); |
outsourceQuote = { |
outsourceQuoteCode: outsourceQuoteData.outsourceQuoteCode, |
supplierQuoteCode: outsourceQuoteData.supplierCode, |
supplierName: outsourceQuoteData.supplierName, |
pricingDate: outsourceQuoteData.pricingDate, |
taxRate: outsourceQuoteData.taxRate, |
remark: outsourceQuoteData.remark, |
processAmount: 0, |
outsourceQuoteChildList: [] |
} |
console.log(outsourceQuote); |
// console.log(outsourceQuoteData); |
// 获取bootstrap-table的数据,这里假设你使用bootstrap-table的API获取所有数据 |
var rows = $('#bootstrap-table-process').bootstrapTable('getData'); |
// 检查表格数据是否为空 |
if (rows.length === 0) { |
$.modal.alertWarning("请至少添加一条委外工序再保存!"); |
return; |
}else{ |
outsourceQuote.processAmount = rows.length; |
console.log(rows); |
for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){ |
var unit = getUnit(); |
console.log(unit); |
var quoteChild = { |
outsourceProcessCode: rows.outsourceProcessCode, |
outsourceProcessNo: rows.outsourceProcessNo, |
outsourceProcessName: rows.outsourceProcessName, |
}; |
} |
} |
// console.log(jsonData); |
// 发送 AJAX 请求到后端接口 |
saveJson(prefix + "/add", jsonData); |
// $.operate.submit(prefix + "/add", "post", "json", jsonData); |
} |
} |
function getUnit(){ |
var selectElements = $('#bootstrap-table-process').find('select[id="chargeUnit"]'); |
// 遍历每个下拉框 |
var unit = []; |
selectElements.each(function() { |
// 获取当前下拉框的值 |
var selectedValue = $(this).val(); |
unit.push(selectedValue); |
// 执行你想要的操作,比如记录值或更新其他地方的数据 |
console.log("Selected charge unit value:", selectedValue); |
}); |
return unit; |
} |
$(function() { |
var options = { |
id: "bootstrap-table-process", |
pagination: false, |
showSearch: false, |
showRefresh: false, |
showToggle: false, |
showColumns: false, |
striped: false, |
sidePagination: "client", |
columns: [ |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessId', |
align: 'center', |
title: '委外工序主键', |
visible: false, |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessCode', |
align: 'center', |
title: '委外工序ID', |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessNo', |
align: 'center', |
title: '委外工序编号', |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessName', |
align: 'center', |
title: '委外工序名称', |
}, |
{ |
field: 'chargeUnit', |
align: 'center', |
title: '计价单位', |
width: 100, |
// overflow: visible, |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
var html = $.common.sprintf("<select class='form-control' id='chargeUnit' data-first-title= '请选择' > " + |
"<option value=''>请选择</option>" + |
"<option value='0'>按重量计</option>" + |
"<option value='1'>按数量计</option>" + |
"<option value='2'>按面积计</option>" + |
"</select>", index, value); |
return html; |
} |
}, |
{ |
field: 'materialNormb', |
align: 'center', |
title: '不含税单价(RMB) ', |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
var html = $.common.sprintf("<input class='form-control' type='text' id='materialNormb'>", index, value); |
return html; |
} |
}, |
{ |
field: 'materialRmb', |
align: 'center', |
title: '含税单价(RMB)', |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
var html = $.common.sprintf("<input class='form-control' type='text' id='materialRmb'>", index, value); |
return html; |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
align: 'center', |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
var value = $.common.isNotEmpty(row.index) ? row.index : $.table.serialNumber(index); |
return '<a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="sub.delRowByIndex(\'' + value + '\')"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i>删除</a>'; |
} |
}] |
}; |
$.table.init(options); |
}); |
function processadd() { |
var url = prefix + "/processadd"; |
var options = { |
title: '选择委外工序', |
height: "500", |
url: url, |
callBack: doSubmit |
}; |
$.modal.openOptions(options); |
} |
/* 选择委外工序回调 */ |
function doSubmit(index, layero){ |
// // 这里取到的是多行的 |
var rowData = layero.find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.getSelections(); |
//判断是否重复 |
console.log(rowData); |
var rows = $("#bootstrap-table").bootstrapTable('getData').length; |
if(rows>0){ |
for(var i=0;i<rows;i++){ |
var data = $("#bootstrap-table").bootstrapTable('getData')[i]; |
// console.log(data); |
for(var j=0;j<rowData.length;j++){ |
if(data.outsourceProcessCode==rowData[j].outsourceProcessCode){ |
$.modal.alertError("不能选择已添加过的相同工序"); |
return; |
} |
} |
insertTable(rowData[i]); |
}; |
}else{ |
for(i=0;i<rowData.length;i++){ |
insertTable(rowData[i]); |
} |
} |
layer.close(index); |
} |
// 插入子表数据 |
function insertTable(rowData) { |
$("#bootstrap-table-process").bootstrapTable('insertRow', { |
index: 1, |
row: { |
outsourceProcessNo: rowData.outsourceProcessNo, |
outsourceProcessCode: rowData.outsourceProcessCode, |
outsourceProcessName: rowData.outsourceProcessName, |
materialNoRmb: 0.00, |
materialRmb: 0.00, |
} |
}); |
} |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="zh" xmlns:th="" > |
<head> |
<th:block th:include="include :: header('委外报价详情')" /> |
</head> |
<body class="white-bg"> |
<div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeInRight ibox-content"> |
<form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-user-edit"> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">审核状态:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.auditStatus}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">采购员:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.createBy}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">委外报价单号:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.outsourceQuoteCode}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">供应商ID:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.supplierQuoteCode}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">供应商名称:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.supplierName}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">工序合计:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.processAmount}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">定价时间:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.pricingDate}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">录入时间:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.createTime}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">更新人:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.updateBy}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">上次更新时间:</label> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="form-control-static" th:text="${outsourceQuote.updateTime}"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var prefix = ctx + "system/outsource_quote"; |
$("#form-user-add").validate({ |
onkeyup: false, |
focusCleanup: true |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="zh" xmlns:th="" xmlns:shiro=""> |
<head> |
<th:block th:include="include :: header('委外报价列表')" /> |
</head> |
<body class="gray-bg"> |
<div class="container-div"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse"> |
<form id="formId"> |
<div class="select-list"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<label>委外报价单号:</label> |
<input type="text" name="outsourceQuoteCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>委外工序ID:</label> |
<input type="text" name="outsourceProcessCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>供应商编号:</label> |
<input type="text" name="supplierQuoteCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>供应商名称:</label> |
<input type="text" name="supplierName"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>税率:</label> |
<input type="text" name="taxRate"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>定价日期:</label> |
<input type="text" class="time-input" id="startTime" placeholder="开始时间" name="params[beginTime]"/> |
<span>-</span> |
<input type="text" class="time-input" id="endTime" placeholder="结束时间" name="params[endTime]"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>录入人:</label> |
<input type="text" name="createBy"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>录入时间:</label> |
<input type="text" class="time-input" id="createstartTime" placeholder="开始时间" name="params[beginTime]"/> |
<span>-</span> |
<input type="text" class="time-input" id="createendTime" placeholder="结束时间" name="params[endTime]"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label>审核状态:</label> |
<select name="auditStatus" th:with="type=${@dict.getType('audit_status')}"> |
<option value="">所有</option> |
<option th:each="dict : ${type}" th:text="${dict.dictLabel}" th:value="${dict.dictValue}"></option> |
</select> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a> |
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$.form.reset()"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> 重置</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-group-sm" id="toolbar" role="group"> |
<a class="btn btn-success" onclick="$.operate.add()" shiro:hasPermission="system:outsource_quote:add"> |
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 添加 |
</a> |
<a class="btn btn-warning" onclick="$.table.exportExcel()" shiro:hasPermission="system:outsource_quote:export"> |
<i class="fa fa-download"></i> 导出 |
</a> |
</div> |
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped"> |
<table id="bootstrap-table"></table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<script th:inline="javascript"> |
var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_quote:edit')}]]; |
var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_quote:remove')}]]; |
var detailFlag= [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_quote:detail')}]] |
var auditStatusDatas = [[${@dict.getType('audit_status')}]]; |
var prefix = ctx + "system/outsource_quote"; |
$(function() { |
var options = { |
url: prefix + "/list", |
createUrl: prefix + "/add", |
updateUrl: prefix + "/edit/{id}", |
removeUrl: prefix + "/remove", |
exportUrl: prefix + "/export", |
detailUrl: prefix + "/detail/{id}", |
modalName: "委外报价", |
columns: [{ |
checkbox: true |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceQuoteId', |
title: '委外报价ID', |
visible: false |
}, |
{ |
field: 'auditStatus', |
title: '审核状态', |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
return $.table.selectDictLabel(auditStatusDatas, value); |
} |
}, |
// { |
// field: 'createBy', |
// title: '采购员' |
// }, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceQuoteCode', |
title: '委外报价单号' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'supplierQuoteCode', |
title: '供应商编号' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'supplierName', |
title: '供应商名称' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'processAmount', |
title: '工序合计' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'pricingDate', |
title: '定价日期' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'createTime', |
title: '录入时间' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'updateBy', |
title: '更新人' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'updateTime', |
title: '上次更新时间' |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
align: 'center', |
formatter: function(value, row, index) { |
var actions = []; |
actions.push('<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs ' + editFlag + '" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$.operate.edit(\'' + row.outsourceQuoteId + '\')"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i>编辑</a> '); |
actions.push('<a class="btn btn-info btn-xs ' + detailFlag + '" href="javascript:;" onclick="$.operate.detail(\'' + row.outsourceQuoteId + '\')"><i class="fa fa-search"></i>详情</a> '); |
return actions.join(''); |
} |
}] |
}; |
$.table.init(options); |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="zh" xmlns:th="" xmlns:shiro=""> |
<head> |
<th:block th:include="include :: header('委外工序列表')" /> |
</head> |
<body class="gray-bg"> |
<div class="container-div"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse"> |
<form id="formId"> |
<div class="select-list"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<label class="in">委外工序ID:</label> |
<input type="text" name="outsourceProcessCode"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label class="in">委外工序编号:</label> |
<input type="text" name="outsourceProcessNo"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<label class="in">委外工序名称:</label> |
<input type="text" name="outsourceProcessName"/> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a> |
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$.form.reset()"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> 重置</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped"> |
<table id="bootstrap-select-table"></table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<th:block th:include="include :: footer" /> |
<script th:inline="javascript"> |
var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_process:edit')}]]; |
var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_process:remove')}]]; |
var detailFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:outsource_process:detail')}]]; |
var prefix = ctx + "system/outsource_quote"; |
$(function() { |
var options = { |
id: "bootstrap-select-table", |
url: ctx + "system/outsource_process" + "/list", |
postUrl: prefix + "/processadd", |
modalName: "委外工序", |
columns: [{ |
checkbox: true |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessId', |
title: '委外工序主键', |
visible: false |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessCode', |
title: '委外工序ID', |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessNo', |
title: '委外工序编号' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'outsourceProcessName', |
title: '委外工序名称' |
}, |
{ |
field: 'remark', |
title: '备注' |
}, |
] |
}; |
$.table.init(options); |
}); |
function submitHandler() { |
// table.set(); |
// var rows = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? $.table.selectFirstColumns() : $.table.selectColumns(table.options.uniqueId); |
// if (rows.length == 0) { |
// $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); |
// return; |
// } |
// var url = table.options.postUrl; |
// var data = { "ids": rows.join() }; |
// $.operate.submit(url, "post", "json", data); |
}; |
$(".layui-layer-btn0").click(function () { |
window.close(); |
}); |
function getSelections() { |
return $("#" +'getSelections'); |
}; |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
Reference in new issue