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1891 lines
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1891 lines
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2 years ago
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<form class="form-horizontal m" id="form-bom-add">
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<label class="col-sm-3 control-label is-required">清单编号:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="bomCode" class="form-control" type="text" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label is-required">清单名称:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="bomName" class="form-control" type="text" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">生产费用:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="bomProductionCost" class="form-control" type="text">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">备注:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<textarea name="bomRemarks" class="form-control"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">创建人:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="bomCreator" class="form-control" type="text">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">创建时间:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="input-group date">
<input name="bomTime" class="form-control" placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd" type="text">
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>
<div class="get-finish-product">
<div class="form-group" >
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label is-required">成品代码:</label>
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<!-- <option value="">请选择成品代码</option>-->
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<input name="finishProductCode" id="finishProductCode" class="form-control" type="text" required style="display: block;"><a class="btn btn-default" onclick="chooseFinishProduct()">选择</a>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label is-required">成品名称:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<!-- <select name="finishProductName" class="form-control m-b">-->
<!-- <option value="">请选择成品名称</option>-->
<!-- </select>-->
<input name="finishProductName" class="form-control" type="text" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">客户代码:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="enterpriseCode" class="form-control" type="text" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">客户名称:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="enterpriseName" class="form-control" type="text" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">客户料号:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="customerNumber" class="form-control" type="text" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">版本号:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="versionNumber" class="form-control" type="text" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">规格型号:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input name="specificationModel" class="form-control" type="text" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">单位:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<!-- <input name="inventoryUnit" class="form-control" type="text" >-->
<select name="inventoryUnit" class="form-control m-b" th:with="type=${@dict.getType('sys_unit_class')}">
<option value=""></option>
<option th:each="dict : ${type}" th:text="${dict.dictLabel}" th:value="${dict.dictValue}"></option>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">当前版本:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="radio-box" th:each="dict : ${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}">
<input type="radio" th:id="${'currentVersion_' + dict.dictCode}" name="currentVersion"
th:value="${dict.dictValue}" th:checked="${dict.default}">
<label th:for="${'currentVersion_' + dict.dictCode}" th:text="${dict.dictLabel}"></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">确认否:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="radio-box" th:each="dict : ${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}">
<input type="radio" th:id="${'confirmNo_' + dict.dictCode}" name="confirmNo"
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<label th:for="${'confirmNo_' + dict.dictCode}" th:text="${dict.dictLabel}"></label>
<!-- <div class="form-group"> -->
<!-- <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">备用一:</label>-->
<!-- <div class="col-sm-8">-->
<!-- <input name="standbyOne" class="form-control" type="text">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="form-group"> -->
<!-- <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">备用二:</label>-->
<!-- <div class="col-sm-8">-->
<!-- <input name="standbyTwo" class="form-control" type="text">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
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<div class="btn-group-sm" id="toraw" role="group">
<a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="addrawLine()">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 新增一行
<a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="addraw()">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 添加原料
<!-- <a class="btn btn-success" onclick="confirmraw()">-->
<!-- <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 确认添加-->
<!-- </a>-->
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped">
<table id="addrowbomTable"></table>
<div class="modal inmodal" id="RawModal"
role="dilog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog" style="width: 1000px;background-color: #FFFFFF">
<div class="modal-content" style="background-color: #FFFFFF">
<div class="title">原料资料</div>
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<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse">
<form id="formRawMaterialSearch">
<div class="select-list">
<input type="text" name="rawMaterialCode"/>
<input type="text" name="rawMaterialName"/>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="rawMaterialSearch()"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="rowbomTable" class="table table-striped table-responsive"
style="padding-bottom: 50px; white-space:nowrap">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" onclick="addrowconfirm()">
<div class="other">
<div class="btn-group-sm" id="tosubsidiary" role="group">
<a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="addsubsidiaryLine()">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 新增一行
<a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="addsubsidiary()">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 添加辅料
<!-- <a class="btn btn-success" onclick="confirmsubsidiary()">-->
<!-- <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 确认添加-->
<!-- </a>-->
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped">
<table id="addsubsidiarybomTable"></table>
<div class="modal inmodal" id="subsidiaryModal"
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<div class="modal-dialog" style="width: 1000px;background-color: #FFFFFF">
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<div class="title">辅料资料</div>
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<div class="search">
<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse">
<form id="formSubsidiarySearch">
<div class="select-list">
<input type="text" name="subsidiaryMaterialCode"/>
<input type="text" name="subsidiaryMaterialName"/>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="subsidiarySearch()"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="subsidiarybomTable" class="table table-striped table-responsive"
style="padding-bottom: 50px; white-space:nowrap">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" onclick="addsubsidiaryconfirm()">
<div class="modal inmodal" id="productInfoModal"
role="dilog" aria-hidden="true">
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<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 search-collapse">
<form id="productFormId">
<div class="select-list">
<input type="text" name="finishProductCode"/>
<input type="text" name="finishProductName"/>
<input type="text" name="enterpriseCode"/>
<input type="text" name="enterpriseName"/>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$'productFormId','productTable')"><i
class="fa fa-search"></i> 搜索</a>
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-rounded btn-sm" onclick="$.form.reset('productFormId','productTable')"><i
class="fa fa-refresh"></i> 重置</a>
<div class="col-sm-12 select-table table-striped">
<table id="productTable" style="white-space:nowrap"></table>
<div class="modal-footer">
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<th:block th:include="include :: footer"/>
<th:block th:include="include :: select2-js"/>
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<th:block th:include="include :: datetimepicker-js"/>
<script th:inline="javascript">
var inventoryUnitDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_unit_class')}]];
var finishProductdata = []
var prefix = ctx + "system/bom"
var prefixfinishproduct = ctx + "system/finishproduct"
var inventoryUnitDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_unit_class')}]];
var whetherStopDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_whether')}]];
var productionCategoryDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_production_category')}]];
var finishProductCategoryDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_finish_product_category')}]];
var commonCurrencyDatas = [[${@dict.getType('sys_common_currency')}]];
focusCleanup: true
function submitHandler() {
let finishProductCode = $("input[name='finishProductCode']").val()
url: ctx + 'system/bom/list',
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
else {
if ($.validate.form()) {
$ + "/add", $('#form-bom-add').serialize());
}else {
format: "yyyy-mm-dd",
minView: "month",
autoclose: true
function chooseFinishProduct () {
var options = {
id: 'productTable',
url: prefixfinishproduct + "/list",
pagination: true,
pageNumber: 1,
pageSize: 10,
showRefresh: false,
showToggle: false,
clickToSelect: true,
modalName: "产品资料",
queryParams: function (params) {
var curParams = {
// 传递参数查询参数
pageSize: params.limit,
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1,
// enterpriseCode: data[0].enterpriseCode
let json = $.extend(curParams, $.common.formToJSON("productFormId"));
return json;
columns: [{
checkbox: true
field: 'finishProductId',
title: '成品id',
visible: false
field: 'customerNumber',
title: '客户料号'
field: 'typeMachine',
title: '机种'
field: 'finishProductName',
title: '成品名称'
field: 'enterpriseCode',
title: '客户代码'
field: 'enterpriseName',
title: '客户名称'
field: 'inventoryUnit',
title: '库存单位',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(inventoryUnitDatas, value);
visible: false
field: 'versionNumber',
title: '版本号'
field: 'finishProductCode',
title: '成品代码'
field: 'safetyStock',
title: '安全库存',
visible: false
field: 'stockUnitWeight',
title: '单位重量',
visible: false
field: 'gpItemSelection',
title: 'GP项选择',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(gpItemSelectionDatas, value);
visible: false
field: 'inPlantCode',
title: '厂内编码'
field: 'whetherStop',
title: '料号是否停用',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(whetherStopDatas, value);
field: 'createrName',
title: '创建人',
visible: false
field: 'ordinalName',
title: '半成品对应完工工序名',
visible: false
field: 'originalNumber',
title: '原成品料号',
visible: false
field: 'customsName',
title: '海关名称',
visible: false
field: 'defaultWarehouse',
title: '默认仓库'
field: 'materialCategory',
title: '类别',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(materialCategoryDatas, value);
visible: false
field: 'productionCategory',
title: '生产类别',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(productionCategoryDatas, value);
field: 'finishProductCategory',
title: '所属类别',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
return $.table.selectDictLabel(finishProductCategoryDatas, value);
field: 'specificationModel',
title: '规格型号'
field: 'customerEngineer',
title: '客户工程师'
field: 'productDescription',
title: '产品描述',
visible: false
field: 'maximumInventory',
title: '最高库存',
visible: false
field: 'productPrice',
title: '产品售价',
visible: false
field: 'componentName',
title: '组件名称',
visible: false
field: 'createrTime',
title: '创建日期',
visible: false
field: 'ordinalNumber',
title: '半成品对应完工工序号',
visible: false
field: 'defaultLocation',
title: '默认位置',
visible: false
field: 'hsNumber',
title: 'HS号',
visible: false
field: 'kesNumber',
title: '科恩仕料号'
function closeProductModal() {
function confirmProduct() {
var data = $("#productTable").bootstrapTable("getSelections");
if (data.length === 1) {
$("#form-bom-add input[name='finishProductCode']").val(data[0].finishProductCode)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='finishProductName']").val(data[0].finishProductName)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='enterpriseCode']").val(data[0].enterpriseCode)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='enterpriseName']").val(data[0].enterpriseName)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='customerNumber']").val(data[0].customerNumber)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='versionNumber']").val(data[0].versionNumber)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='specificationModel']").val(data[0].specificationModel)
$("#form-bom-add select[name='inventoryUnit']").val(data[0].inventoryUnit).trigger("change");
} else {
// 获取成品资料
$(document).ready(function () {
url: ctx + "system/finishproduct/finishList",
type: "POST",
success: function (res) {
if (res.length > 0) {
finishProductdata = res;
for (let i in finishProductdata) {
$("select[name='finishProductCode']").append("<option value='" + finishProductdata[i].finishProductCode + "'>" + finishProductdata[i].finishProductCode + "</option>");
$("select[name='finishProductName']").append("<option value='" + finishProductdata[i].finishProductName + "'>" + finishProductdata[i].finishProductName + "</option>");
} else {
error: function () {
// 成品代码下拉框改变
$("select[name='finishProductCode']").change(function () {
var finishProductCode = $(this).val();
for (i = 0; i < finishProductdata.length; i++) {
if (finishProductdata[i].finishProductCode == finishProductCode) {
$("#form-bom-add input[name='finishProductName']").val(finishProductdata[i].finishProductName)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='enterpriseCode']").val(finishProductdata[i].enterpriseCode)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='enterpriseName']").val(finishProductdata[i].enterpriseName)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='customerNumber']").val(finishProductdata[i].customerNumber)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='versionNumber']").val(finishProductdata[i].versionNumber)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='specificationModel']").val(finishProductdata[i].specificationModel)
$("#form-bom-add input[name='inventoryUnit']").val(finishProductdata[i].inventoryUnit)
// 搜索
function rawMaterialSearch(){
function subsidiarySearch(){
// 增加原料
function addraw() {
// 原料表格
url: ctx + "system/rawmaterial/itemList",
pagination: true,
pageNumber: 1,
pageSize: 10,
pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
showRefresh: false,
method: "post",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
striped: true, // 是否显示行间隔色
cache: false, // 是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*)
sidePagination: "server", // 分页方式:client客户端分页,server服务端分页(*)
clickToSelect: true, // 是否启用点击选中行
showToggle: false, // 是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮
cardView: false, // 是否显示详细视图
detailView: false, // 是否显示父子表
smartDisplay: false, // 加了这个才显示每页显示的行数
showExport: false, // 是否显示导出按钮
// singleSelect: true,
paginationDetailHAlign: ' hiddenDetailInfo',
height: 250,
queryParams: function (params) {
var curParams = {
// 传递参数查询参数
pageSize: params.limit,
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1,
// enterpriseCode: data[0].enterpriseCode
let json = $.extend(curParams, $.common.formToJSON("formRawMaterialSearch"));
return json;
// return curParams
columns: [
checkbox: true
field: 'rawMaterialId',
title: '原料id',
visible: false
field: 'rawMaterialCode',
title: '原料代码'
field: 'rawMaterialName',
title: '原料名称'
field: 'materialCategory',
title: '原料类别',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(materialCategoryDatas, value);
// }
field: 'rawMaterialColour',
title: '颜色',
// visible: false
field: 'typeMachine',
title: '机种'
field: 'specificationModel',
title: '规格型号'
field: 'inventoryUnit',
title: '库存单位',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(inventoryUnitDatas, value);
// }
field: 'exportSales',
title: '内外销',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(exportSalesDatas, value);
// }
field: 'purchasingUnit',
title: '采购单位',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(purchasingUnitDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'purchasePrice',
title: '采购价格'
field: 'limitCollectionAmount',
title: '限额领用数',
visible: false
field: 'stockUnitWeight',
title: '库存单位重量',
visible: false
field: 'safetyStock',
title: '安全库存'
field: 'purchaseLeadTime',
title: '采购提前期',
visible: false
field: 'specialUse',
title: '专用部门或人',
visible: false
field: 'whetherStop',
title: '料号是否停用',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(whetherStopDatas, value);
// }
field: 'createrName',
title: '创建人',
visible: false
field: 'limitWhether',
title: '限额领用否',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(limitWhetherDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'dedicatedWhether',
title: '是否专用'
field: 'minimumBatchSize',
title: '最小批量',
visible: false
field: 'whetherSemiManufactures',
title: '是否半成品',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(whetherSemiManufacturesDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'customsName',
title: '海关名称',
visible: false
field: 'supplierNumber',
title: '供应商料号'
field: 'rawMaterialDiameter',
title: '直径'
field: 'supplierCode',
title: '供应商代码'
field: 'supplierName',
title: '供应商名称'
field: 'warehouseLocation',
title: '库位'
field: 'purchaseEquivalent',
title: '采购单位对应多少库存单位',
visible: false
field: 'maximumPurchaseQuantity',
title: '最大采购量',
visible: false
field: 'costPrice',
title: '成本价'
field: 'primarySupplier',
title: '主供应商'
field: 'subSupplier',
title: '次供应商'
field: 'maximumInventory',
title: '最高库存'
field: 'detentionDays',
title: '滞留天数'
field: 'gpItemSelection',
title: 'GP项选择',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(gpItemSelectionDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'createrTime',
title: '创建日期',
visible: false
field: 'defaultWarehouse',
title: '默认仓库'
field: 'hsNumber',
title: '海关HS号',
visible: false
field: 'standbyOne',
title: '备用一',
visible: false
field: 'standbyTwo',
title: '备用二',
visible: false
// url : ctx + "system/rawmaterial/itemList",
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pageSize: 10,
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smartDisplay: false, // 加了这个才显示每页显示的行数
showExport: false, // 是否显示导出按钮
// singleSelect: true,
paginationDetailHAlign: ' hiddenDetailInfo',
height: 250,
uniqueId: 'rawMaterialCode',
queryParams: function (params) {
var curParams = {
// 传递参数查询参数
pageSize: params.limit,
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1,
// enterpriseCode: data[0].enterpriseCode
return curParams
columns: [
checkbox: true
field: 'rawMaterialCode',
title: '原料代码',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '原料代码',
emptytext: '原料代码',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '原料代码不能为空!';
field: 'rawMaterialName',
title: '原料名称',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '原料名称',
emptytext: '原料名称',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '原料名称不能为空!';
field: 'specificationModel',
title: '规格型号',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '规格型号',
emptytext: '规格型号',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '规格型号不能为空!';
field: 'inventoryUnit',
title: '单位',
editable: {
type: 'select',
title: '单位',
emptytext: '单位',
source: function() {
let result = [];
for (let i = 0;i<inventoryUnitDatas.length;i++) {
result.push({value: inventoryUnitDatas[i].dictValue,text: inventoryUnitDatas[i].dictLabel})
return result;
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '单位不能为空!';
field: 'rawMaterialConsumption',
title: '用量',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '使用量',
emptytext: '使用量',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'rawMaterialLoss',
title: '损耗%',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '损耗%',
emptytext: '损耗%',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'supplierNumber',
title: '厂商料号',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '厂商料号',
emptytext: '厂商料号',
validate: function (value) {
field: 'finishedProductQuantity',
title: '成品数量',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '成品数量',
emptytext: '成品数量',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'remarks',
title: '备注说明',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '备注说明',
emptytext: '备注说明',
validate: function (value) {
field: 'processingCategory',
title: '加工类别',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '加工类别',
emptytext: '加工类别',
validate: function (value) {
title: '操作',
align: 'center',
formatter: function (value, row, index) {
var actions = [];
actions.push('<a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="remove(\'' + row.rawMaterialCode + '\')" ><i class="fa fa-remove"></i>删除</a>');
return actions.join('');
// 原料添加
function addrowconfirm() {
var data = $("#rowbomTable").bootstrapTable("getSelections");
var count = $('#addrowbomTable').bootstrapTable('getData').length;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var finishProductCode = $("input[name='finishProductCode']").val()
let bootstrapTable = $('#addrowbomTable').bootstrapTable('getRowByUniqueId', data[i].rawMaterialCode);
if (bootstrapTable != null) {
$.modal.alert(bootstrapTable.rawMaterialName + "已存在,不可重复添加!");
$("#addrowbomTable").bootstrapTable('insertRow', {
index: count + i,
row: {
finishProductcode: finishProductCode,
rawMaterialCode: data[i].rawMaterialCode,
rawMaterialName: data[i].rawMaterialName,
specificationModel: data[i].specificationModel,
inventoryUnit: data[i].inventoryUnit,
supplierNumber: data[i].supplierNumber,
rawMaterialConsumption: '',
rawMaterialLoss: '',
finishedProductQuantity: '',
remarks: '',
processingCategory: ''
// console.log($('#addrowbomTable').bootstrapTable('getData'))
// 确认添加原料
function confirmraw() {
// console.log(data)
let data = $('#addrowbomTable').bootstrapTable('getData', true)
// console.log(data.length)
for (let i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
// console.log(data[i])
url: ctx + 'system/rawmaterial/list',
type: 'post',
data: {
rawMaterialCode : data[i].rawMaterialCode
success: function (res) {
// console.log(res)
if (res.rows.length === 0) {//不存在
// console.log(data[i].rawMaterialCode+"unExist!")
url: ctx + 'system/rawmaterial/addFromBom',
type: "POST",
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data[i])
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
} else {//存在
// console.log(data[i].rawMaterialCode+"exist!")
url: ctx + 'system/bomrawmaterial/add',
type: "POST",
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
function remove(rawMaterialCode){
var ids = [];
// 增加辅料
function addsubsidiary() {
// 辅料
url: ctx + "system/subsidiarymaterial/itemList",
pagination: true,
pageNumber: 1,
pageSize: 10,
pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
showRefresh: false,
method: "post",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
striped: true, // 是否显示行间隔色
cache: false, // 是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*)
sidePagination: "server", // 分页方式:client客户端分页,server服务端分页(*)
clickToSelect: true, // 是否启用点击选中行
showToggle: false, // 是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮
cardView: false, // 是否显示详细视图
detailView: false, // 是否显示父子表
smartDisplay: false, // 加了这个才显示每页显示的行数
showExport: false, // 是否显示导出按钮
// singleSelect: true,
paginationDetailHAlign: ' hiddenDetailInfo',
height: 250,
queryParams: function (params) {
var curParams = {
// 传递参数查询参数
pageSize: params.limit,
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1,
// enterpriseCode: data[0].enterpriseCode
let json = $.extend(curParams, $.common.formToJSON("formSubsidiarySearch"));
return json;
// return curParams
columns: [
checkbox: true
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialId',
title: '辅料id',
visible: false
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialCode',
title: '辅料代码'
field: 'hsNumber',
title: '海关HS号',
visible: false
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialName',
title: '辅料名称'
field: 'stockUnitWeight',
title: '单位重量',
visible: false
field: 'specificationModel',
title: '规格型号'
field: 'inventoryUnit',
title: '库存单位',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(inventoryUnitDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'dedicatedWhether',
title: '是否专用',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(dedicatedWhetherDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'customsName',
title: '海关名称',
visible: false
field: 'safetyStock',
title: '安全库存',
visible: false
field: 'remarks',
title: '备注说明',
visible: false
field: 'specialUse',
title: '专用部门或人',
visible: false
field: 'whetherStop',
title: '料号是否停用',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(whetherStopDatas, value);
// }
field: 'supplierNumber',
title: '供应商料号'
field: 'limitCollectionAmount',
title: '限额领用数',
visible: false
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialCategory',
title: '辅料类别',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(subsidiaryMaterialCategoryDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'defaultWarehouse',
title: '默认仓库',
visible: false
field: 'warehouseLocation',
title: '库位',
visible: false
field: 'purchasePrice',
title: '采购价格',
visible: false
field: 'purchaseLeadTime',
title: '采购提前期',
visible: false
field: 'minimumBatchSize',
title: '最小批量',
visible: false
field: 'supplierCode',
title: '供应商代码'
field: 'supplierName',
title: '供应商名称'
field: 'limitWhether',
title: '限额领用否',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(limitWhetherDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'maximumPurchaseQuantity',
title: '最大采购量',
visible: false
field: 'costPrice',
title: '成本价',
visible: false
field: 'primarySupplier',
title: '主供应商'
field: 'subSupplier',
title: '次供应商',
visible: false
field: 'maximumInventory',
title: '最高库存',
visible: false
field: 'detentionDays',
title: '滞留天数'
field: 'gpItemSelection',
title: 'GP项选择',
// formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// return $.table.selectDictLabel(gpItemSelectionDatas, value);
// },
visible: false
field: 'exportSales',
title: '内外销',
field: 'createrName',
title: '创建人'
field: 'materialCategory',
title: '类别',
field: 'kesNumber',
title: '科恩仕料号'
field: 'typeMachine',
title: '机种'
field: 'standbyOne',
title: '备用一',
visible: false
field: 'standbyTwo',
title: '备用二',
visible: false
field: 'createrTime',
title: '创建时间',
visible: false
// url : ctx + "system/rawmaterial/itemList",
pagination: true,
pageNumber: 1,
pageSize: 10,
showToggle: false, // 是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮
cardView: false, // 是否显示详细视图
detailView: false, // 是否显示父子表
smartDisplay: false, // 加了这个才显示每页显示的行数
showExport: false, // 是否显示导出按钮
// singleSelect: true,
paginationDetailHAlign: ' hiddenDetailInfo',
height: 250,
uniqueId: 'subsidiaryMaterialCode',
queryParams: function (params) {
var curParams = {
// 传递参数查询参数
pageSize: params.limit,
pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1,
// enterpriseCode: data[0].enterpriseCode
// console.log(data[0].enterpriseCode)
return curParams
columns: [
checkbox: true
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialCode',
title: '辅料代码',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '辅料代码',
emptytext: '辅料代码',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '辅料代码不能为空!';
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialName',
title: '辅料名称',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '辅料名称',
emptytext: '辅料名称',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '辅料名称不能为空!';
field: 'specificationModel',
title: '规格型号',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '规格型号',
emptytext: '规格型号',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '规格型号不能为空!';
field: 'inventoryUnit',
title: '单位',
editable: {
type: 'select',
title: '单位',
emptytext: '单位',
source: function() {
let result = [];
for (let i = 0;i<inventoryUnitDatas.length;i++) {
result.push({value: inventoryUnitDatas[i].dictValue,text: inventoryUnitDatas[i].dictLabel})
return result;
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '单位不能为空!';
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialConsumption',
title: '用量',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '使用量',
emptytext: '使用量',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'subsidiaryMaterialLoss',
title: '损耗%',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '损耗%',
emptytext: '损耗%',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'supplierNumber',
title: '厂商料号',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '厂商料号',
emptytext: '厂商料号',
validate: function (value) {
if ($.trim(value) == '') {
return '厂商料号不能为空!';
field: 'finishedProductQuantity',
title: '成品数量',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '成品数量',
emptytext: '成品数量',
validate: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '使用量必须是数字';
var price = parseFloat(value);
if (price <= 0) return '使用量必须大于0';
field: 'remarks',
title: '备注说明',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '备注说明',
emptytext: '备注说明',
validate: function (value) {
field: 'processingCategory',
title: '加工类别',
editable: {
type: 'text',
title: '加工类别',
emptytext: '加工类别',
validate: function (value) {
title: '操作',
align: 'center',
formatter: function (value, row, index) {
var actions = [];
actions.push('<a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="removeSub(\'' + row.subsidiaryMaterialCode + '\')" ><i class="fa fa-remove"></i>删除</a>');
return actions.join('');
// 辅料添加
function addsubsidiaryconfirm() {
var data = $("#subsidiarybomTable").bootstrapTable("getSelections");
var count = $('#addsubsidiarybomTable').bootstrapTable('getData').length;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var finishProductCode = $("input[name='finishProductCode']").val()
let bootstrapTable = $('#addsubsidiarybomTable').bootstrapTable('getRowByUniqueId', data[i].subsidiaryMaterialCode);
if (bootstrapTable != null) {
$.modal.alert(bootstrapTable.subsidiaryMaterialName + "已存在,不可重复添加!");
$("#addsubsidiarybomTable").bootstrapTable('insertRow', {
index: count + i,
row: {
finishProductcode: finishProductCode,
subsidiaryMaterialCode: data[i].subsidiaryMaterialCode,
subsidiaryMaterialName: data[i].subsidiaryMaterialName,
specificationModel: data[i].specificationModel,
inventoryUnit: data[i].inventoryUnit,
supplierNumber: data[i].supplierNumber,
subsidiaryMaterialConsumption: '',
subsidiaryMaterialLoss: '',
finishedProductQuantity: '',
remarks: '',
processingCategory: ''
// 确认添加辅料
function confirmsubsidiary() {
// console.log(data)
let data = $('#addsubsidiarybomTable').bootstrapTable('getData', true)
// console.log(data.length)
for (let i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
// console.log(data[i])
url: ctx + 'system/subsidiarymaterial/list',
type: 'post',
data: {
subsidiaryMaterialCode : data[i].subsidiaryMaterialCode
success: function (res) {
// console.log(res)
if (res.rows.length === 0) {//不存在
// console.log(data[i].subsidiaryMaterialCode+"unExist!")
url: ctx + 'system/subsidiarymaterial/addFromBom',
type: "POST",
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data[i])
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
} else {//存在
// console.log(data[i].subsidiaryMaterialCode+"exist!")
url: ctx + 'system/bomsubsidiarymaterial/add',
type: "POST",
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
function removeSub(subsidiaryMaterialCode){
var ids = [];
// 获取物料清单数据
function getbom(){
let finishProductCode = $("select[name='finishProductCode']").val()
url: ctx + 'system/bom/list',
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
success: function (resp) {
// console.log(finishProductCode)
// console.log(resp.rows)
else {
if ($.validate.form()) {
$ + "/add", $('#form-bom-add').serialize());
// alert("添加成功辅料!");
function addrawLine() {
var finishProductCode = $("input[name='finishProductCode']").val()
if (finishProductCode == "") {
} else {
let obj={
finishProductcode: finishProductCode,
rawMaterialCode: '',
rawMaterialName: '',
specificationModel: '',
inventoryUnit: '',
supplierNumber: '',
rawMaterialConsumption: '',
rawMaterialLoss: '',
finishedProductQuantity: '',
remarks: '',
processingCategory: ''
$('#addrowbomTable').bootstrapTable('insertRow', {index:1, row: obj});
function addsubsidiaryLine() {
var finishProductCode = $("input[name='finishProductCode']").val()
if (finishProductCode == "") {
} else {
let obj={
finishProductcode: finishProductCode,
subsidiaryMaterialCode: '',
subsidiaryMaterialName: '',
specificationModel: '',
inventoryUnit: '',
supplierNumber: '',
subsidiaryMaterialConsumption: '',
subsidiaryMaterialLoss: '',
finishedProductQuantity: '',
remarks: '',
processingCategory: ''
$('#addsubsidiarybomTable').bootstrapTable('insertRow', {index:1, row: obj});