You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
603 lines
40 KiB
603 lines
40 KiB
2 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="">
<resultMap type="Saleorderhead" id="SaleorderheadResult">
<result property="SaleorderID" column="SaleorderID"/>
<result property="SaleorderNO" column="SaleorderNO"/>
<result property="saleplanNO" column="saleplanNO"/>
<result property="pCode" column="P_CODE"/>
<result property="pName" column="P_Name"/>
<result property="pLinkman" column="P_LinkMan"/>
<result property="pTel" column="P_TEL"/>
<result property="pFax" column="P_FAX"/>
<result property="sendAddress" column="Send_Address"/>
<result property="GetMoneyMemo" column="GetMoneyMemo"/>
<result property="Sendmemo" column="Sendmemo"/>
<result property="Sendway" column="Sendway"/>
<result property="Plandate" column="Plandate"/>
<result property="Playway" column="Playway"/>
<result property="Saler" column="Saler"/>
<result property="bzMemo" column="BZ_memo"/>
<result property="endFlag" column="End_flag"/>
<result property="isDelete" column="Is_delete"/>
<result property="NWX" column="NWX"/>
<result property="comfirmFlag" column="Comfirm_Flag"/>
<result property="writeDatetime" column="write_datetime"/>
<result property="editDate" column="edit_date"/>
<result property="comfirmDate" column="comfirm_date"/>
<result property="soClass" column="SO_Class"/>
<result property="gpYn" column="GP_YN"/>
<result property="dowayCong" column="doway_cong"/>
<result property="dowayTiao" column="doway_tiao"/>
<result property="dowayPrint" column="doway_print"/>
<result property="dowayOther" column="doway_other"/>
<result property="mouldNo" column="mould_no"/>
<result property="majorSize" column="major_size"/>
<result property="workline" column="workline"/>
<result property="doMajorMemo" column="do_major_memo"/>
<result property="amtClass" column="amt_class"/>
<result property="useYllist" column="USE_YLLIST"/>
<result property="lastAccountAmt" column="last_account_amt"/>
<result property="sendcpStock" column="Sendcp_Stock"/>
<result property="mouldFlag" column="mould_flag"/>
<result property="comfirmMan" column="Comfirm_man"/>
<result property="approveFlag" column="Approve_flag"/>
<result property="approveDate" column="Approve_DATE"/>
<result property="approveMan" column="Approve_MAN"/>
<result property="auditingFlag" column="Auditing_Flag"/>
<result property="auditingMan" column="Auditing_man"/>
<result property="auditingDatetime" column="Auditing_Datetime"/>
<result property="preMaterialFlag" column="Pre_material_Flag"/>
<result property="Factory" column="Factory"/>
<result property="jaFlag" column="JA_FLAG"/>
<result property="jaMan" column="JA_MAN"/>
<result property="jaTime" column="JA_TIME"/>
<result property="returnProgress" column="Return_Progress"/>
<result property="madeSource" column="MADE_Source"/>
<result property="sendtoTime" column="sendto_time"/>
<result property="planDoOkTime" column="plan_do_ok_time"/>
<result property="cpVersionNo" column="CP_Version_no"/>
<result property="RD" column="RD"/>
<result property="ypState" column="YP_State"/>
<result property="factOkTime" column="Fact_OK_TIME"/>
<result property="qcMan" column="QC_MAN"/>
<result property="MemoTEXT" column="MemoTEXT"/>
<result property="laterSource" column="Later_Source"/>
<result property="mappath" column="mappath"/>
<result property="producehelp" column="producehelp"/>
<result property="customRd" column="Custom_RD"/>
<result property="madeClass" column="made_class"/>
<result property="ypOrderqty" column="yp_orderqty"/>
<result property="dowayCongFlag" column="Doway_cong_Flag"/>
<result property="dowayTiaoFlag" column="Doway_tiao_flag"/>
<result property="dowayPrintFlag" column="Doway_print_Flag"/>
<resultMap id="SaleorderheadSaleorderlistResult" type="Saleorderhead" extends="SaleorderheadResult">
<collection property="saleorderlistList" notNullColumn="sub_SaleOrderID" javaType="java.util.List"
<resultMap type="Saleorderlist" id="SaleorderlistResult">
<result property="SaleOrderID" column="sub_SaleOrderID"/>
<result property="PNO" column="sub_PNO"/>
<result property="wlCode" column="sub_Wl_Code"/>
<result property="Itemname" column="sub_Itemname"/>
<result property="Itemstandard" column="sub_Itemstandard"/>
<result property="machineNo" column="sub_Machine_no"/>
<result property="stockDw" column="sub_Stock_dw"/>
<result property="Qty" column="sub_Qty"/>
<result property="Weight" column="sub_Weight"/>
<result property="crlName" column="sub_Crl_Name"/>
<result property="Price" column="sub_Price"/>
<result property="Amt" column="sub_Amt"/>
<result property="SendDate" column="sub_SendDate"/>
<result property="MemoList" column="sub_MemoList"/>
<result property="OrderQty" column="sub_OrderQty"/>
<result property="qQty" column="sub_Q_Qty"/>
<result property="wldm" column="sub_wldm"/>
<result property="piNo" column="sub_PI_NO"/>
<result property="rmbHuilv" column="sub_RMB_HuiLv"/>
<result property="rmbAmt" column="sub_RMB_AMT"/>
<result property="nowYm" column="sub_Now_YM"/>
<result property="ylMrp" column="sub_YL_MRP"/>
<result property="zzgdOrderqty" column="sub_ZZGD_OrderQty"/>
<result property="zzgdQQty" column="sub_ZZGD_Q_Qty"/>
<result property="returnQty" column="sub_Return_QTY"/>
<result property="jaQty" column="sub_JA_QTY"/>
<result property="jaFlag" column="sub_JA_FLAG"/>
<result property="jaMan" column="sub_JA_MAN"/>
<result property="jaTime" column="sub_JA_time"/>
<result property="versionNo" column="sub_Version_NO"/>
<resultMap type="SaleorderHL" id="SaleorderheadResultHL">
<result property="sendDate" column="SendDate"/>
<result property="plandate" column="Plandate"/>
<result property="saleorderIDL" column="SaleOrderID"/>
<result property="saleorderNO" column="SaleorderNO"/>
<result property="pCode" column="P_CODE"/>
<result property="pName" column="P_Name"/>
<result property="wlCode" column="Wl_Code"/>
<result property="itemname" column="Itemname"/>
<result property="crlName" column="Crl_Name"/>
<result property="price" column="Price"/>
<result property="qty" column="Qty"/>
<result property="amt" column="Amt"/>
<result property="getMoneyMemo" column="GetMoneyMemo"/>
<result property="saler" column="Saler"/>
<result property="endFlag" column="End_flag"/>
<result property="piNo" column="PI_NO"/>
<!--<sql id="selectSaleorderheadVo">-->
<!--select SaleorderID, SaleorderNO, saleplanNO, P_CODE, P_Name, P_LinkMan, P_TEL, P_FAX, Send_Address, GetMoneyMemo, Sendmemo, Sendway, Plandate, Playway, Saler, BZ_memo, End_flag, Is_delete, NWX, Comfirm_Flag, write_datetime, edit_date, comfirm_date, SO_Class, GP_YN, doway_cong, doway_tiao, doway_print, doway_other, mould_no, major_size, workline, do_major_memo, amt_class, USE_YLLIST, last_account_amt, Sendcp_Stock, mould_flag, Comfirm_man, Approve_flag, Approve_DATE, Approve_MAN, Auditing_Flag, Auditing_man, Auditing_Datetime, Pre_material_Flag, Factory, JA_FLAG, JA_MAN, JA_TIME, Return_Progress, MADE_Source, sendto_time, plan_do_ok_time, CP_Version_no, RD, YP_State, Fact_OK_TIME, QC_MAN, MemoTEXT, Later_Source, mappath, producehelp, Custom_RD, made_class, yp_orderqty, Doway_cong_Flag, Doway_tiao_flag, Doway_print_Flag from saleorderhead-->
<sql id="selectSaleorderheadVo">
FROM saleorderhead LEFT JOIN saleorderlist ON saleorderhead.SaleorderID = saleorderlist.SaleOrderID
<select id="selectSaleorderHL" parameterType="SaleorderHL" resultMap="SaleorderheadResultHL">
<include refid="selectSaleorderheadVo"/>
<!--<if test="sendDate != null and sendDate != ''">and DATE_FORMAT(SendDate,'%Y%m') = #{sendDate}</if>-->
<if test="sendDate != null and sendDate2 != null">
DATE_FORMAT(SendDate,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN #{dateStart} and #{dateEed}
<if test="plandate != null and plandate != ''">and Plandate = #{plandate}</if>
<if test="saleorderIDL != null and saleorderIDL != ''">and SaleOrderID = #{saleorderIDL}</if>
<if test="saleorderNO != null and saleorderNO != ''">and SaleorderNO = #{saleorderNO}</if>
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''">and P_CODE = #{pCode}</if>
<if test="pName != null and pName != ''">and P_Name =#{pName}</if>
<if test="wlCode != null and wlCode != ''">and Wl_Code = #{wlCode}</if>
<if test="itemname != null and itemname != ''">and Itemname = #{itemname}</if>
<if test="crlName != null and crlName != ''">and Crl_Name = #{crlName}</if>
<if test="price != null and price != ''">and Price = #{price}</if>
<if test="qty != null and qty != ''">and Qty = #{qty}</if>
<if test="amt != null and amt != ''">and Amt = #{amt}</if>
<if test="getMoneyMemo != null and getMoneyMemo != ''">and GetMoneyMemo = #{getMoneyMemo}</if>
<if test="saler != null and saler != ''">and Saler = #{saler}</if>
<if test="endFlag != null and endFlag != ''">and End_flag = #{endFlag}</if>
<if test="piNo != null and piNo != ''">and PI_NO = #{piNo}</if>
<!--<select id="selectSaleorderheadList" parameterType="Saleorderhead" resultMap="SaleorderheadResult">-->
<!--<include refid="selectSaleorderheadVo"/>-->
<!--<if test="SaleorderID != null and SaleorderID != ''"> and SaleorderID = #{SaleorderID}</if>-->
<!--<if test="SaleorderNO != null and SaleorderNO != ''"> and SaleorderNO = #{SaleorderNO}</if>-->
<!--<if test="saleplanNO != null and saleplanNO != ''"> and saleplanNO = #{saleplanNO}</if>-->
<!--<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''"> and P_CODE = #{pCode}</if>-->
<!--<if test="pName != null and pName != ''"> and P_Name like concat('%', #{pName}, '%')</if>-->
<!--<if test="pLinkman != null and pLinkman != ''"> and P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman}</if>-->
<!--<if test="pTel != null and pTel != ''"> and P_TEL = #{pTel}</if>-->
<!--<if test="pFax != null and pFax != ''"> and P_FAX = #{pFax}</if>-->
<!--<if test="sendAddress != null and sendAddress != ''"> and Send_Address = #{sendAddress}</if>-->
<!--<if test="GetMoneyMemo != null and GetMoneyMemo != ''"> and GetMoneyMemo = #{GetMoneyMemo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Sendmemo != null and Sendmemo != ''"> and Sendmemo = #{Sendmemo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Sendway != null and Sendway != ''"> and Sendway = #{Sendway}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Plandate != null "> and Plandate = #{Plandate}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Playway != null and Playway != ''"> and Playway = #{Playway}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Saler != null and Saler != ''"> and Saler = #{Saler}</if>-->
<!--<if test="bzMemo != null and bzMemo != ''"> and BZ_memo = #{bzMemo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="endFlag != null "> and End_flag = #{endFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="isDelete != null "> and Is_delete = #{isDelete}</if>-->
<!--<if test="NWX != null and NWX != ''"> and NWX = #{NWX}</if>-->
<!--<if test="comfirmFlag != null "> and Comfirm_Flag = #{comfirmFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="writeDatetime != null "> and write_datetime = #{writeDatetime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="editDate != null "> and edit_date = #{editDate}</if>-->
<!--<if test="comfirmDate != null "> and comfirm_date = #{comfirmDate}</if>-->
<!--<if test="soClass != null "> and SO_Class = #{soClass}</if>-->
<!--<if test="gpYn != null and gpYn != ''"> and GP_YN = #{gpYn}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayCong != null and dowayCong != ''"> and doway_cong = #{dowayCong}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayTiao != null and dowayTiao != ''"> and doway_tiao = #{dowayTiao}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayPrint != null and dowayPrint != ''"> and doway_print = #{dowayPrint}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayOther != null and dowayOther != ''"> and doway_other = #{dowayOther}</if>-->
<!--<if test="mouldNo != null and mouldNo != ''"> and mould_no = #{mouldNo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="majorSize != null and majorSize != ''"> and major_size = #{majorSize}</if>-->
<!--<if test="workline != null and workline != ''"> and workline = #{workline}</if>-->
<!--<if test="doMajorMemo != null and doMajorMemo != ''"> and do_major_memo = #{doMajorMemo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="amtClass != null and amtClass != ''"> and amt_class = #{amtClass}</if>-->
<!--<if test="useYllist != null and useYllist != ''"> and USE_YLLIST = #{useYllist}</if>-->
<!--<if test="lastAccountAmt != null "> and last_account_amt = #{lastAccountAmt}</if>-->
<!--<if test="sendcpStock != null and sendcpStock != ''"> and Sendcp_Stock = #{sendcpStock}</if>-->
<!--<if test="mouldFlag != null "> and mould_flag = #{mouldFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="comfirmMan != null and comfirmMan != ''"> and Comfirm_man = #{comfirmMan}</if>-->
<!--<if test="approveFlag != null "> and Approve_flag = #{approveFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="approveDate != null "> and Approve_DATE = #{approveDate}</if>-->
<!--<if test="approveMan != null and approveMan != ''"> and Approve_MAN = #{approveMan}</if>-->
<!--<if test="auditingFlag != null "> and Auditing_Flag = #{auditingFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="auditingMan != null and auditingMan != ''"> and Auditing_man = #{auditingMan}</if>-->
<!--<if test="auditingDatetime != null "> and Auditing_Datetime = #{auditingDatetime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="preMaterialFlag != null "> and Pre_material_Flag = #{preMaterialFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="Factory != null and Factory != ''"> and Factory = #{Factory}</if>-->
<!--<if test="jaFlag != null "> and JA_FLAG = #{jaFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="jaMan != null and jaMan != ''"> and JA_MAN = #{jaMan}</if>-->
<!--<if test="jaTime != null "> and JA_TIME = #{jaTime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="returnProgress != null and returnProgress != ''"> and Return_Progress = #{returnProgress}</if>-->
<!--<if test="madeSource != null and madeSource != ''"> and MADE_Source = #{madeSource}</if>-->
<!--<if test="sendtoTime != null "> and sendto_time = #{sendtoTime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="planDoOkTime != null "> and plan_do_ok_time = #{planDoOkTime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="cpVersionNo != null and cpVersionNo != ''"> and CP_Version_no = #{cpVersionNo}</if>-->
<!--<if test="RD != null and RD != ''"> and RD = #{RD}</if>-->
<!--<if test="ypState != null and ypState != ''"> and YP_State = #{ypState}</if>-->
<!--<if test="factOkTime != null "> and Fact_OK_TIME = #{factOkTime}</if>-->
<!--<if test="qcMan != null and qcMan != ''"> and QC_MAN = #{qcMan}</if>-->
<!--<if test="MemoTEXT != null and MemoTEXT != ''"> and MemoTEXT = #{MemoTEXT}</if>-->
<!--<if test="laterSource != null and laterSource != ''"> and Later_Source = #{laterSource}</if>-->
<!--<if test="mappath != null and mappath != ''"> and mappath = #{mappath}</if>-->
<!--<if test="producehelp != null "> and producehelp = #{producehelp}</if>-->
<!--<if test="customRd != null and customRd != ''"> and Custom_RD = #{customRd}</if>-->
<!--<if test="madeClass != null and madeClass != ''"> and made_class = #{madeClass}</if>-->
<!--<if test="ypOrderqty != null "> and yp_orderqty = #{ypOrderqty}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayCongFlag != null "> and Doway_cong_Flag = #{dowayCongFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayTiaoFlag != null "> and Doway_tiao_flag = #{dowayTiaoFlag}</if>-->
<!--<if test="dowayPrintFlag != null "> and Doway_print_Flag = #{dowayPrintFlag}</if>-->
<select id="selectSaleorderheadById" parameterType="String" resultMap="SaleorderheadSaleorderlistResult">
select a.SaleorderID, a.SaleorderNO, a.saleplanNO, a.P_CODE, a.P_Name, a.P_LinkMan, a.P_TEL, a.P_FAX, a.Send_Address, a.GetMoneyMemo, a.Sendmemo, a.Sendway, a.Plandate, a.Playway, a.Saler, a.BZ_memo, a.End_flag, a.Is_delete, a.NWX, a.Comfirm_Flag, a.write_datetime, a.edit_date, a.comfirm_date, a.SO_Class, a.GP_YN, a.doway_cong, a.doway_tiao, a.doway_print, a.doway_other, a.mould_no, a.major_size, a.workline, a.do_major_memo, a.amt_class, a.USE_YLLIST, a.last_account_amt, a.Sendcp_Stock, a.mould_flag, a.Comfirm_man, a.Approve_flag, a.Approve_DATE, a.Approve_MAN, a.Auditing_Flag, a.Auditing_man, a.Auditing_Datetime, a.Pre_material_Flag, a.Factory, a.JA_FLAG, a.JA_MAN, a.JA_TIME, a.Return_Progress, a.MADE_Source, a.sendto_time, a.plan_do_ok_time, a.CP_Version_no, a.RD, a.YP_State, a.Fact_OK_TIME, a.QC_MAN, a.MemoTEXT, a.Later_Source, a.mappath, a.producehelp, a.Custom_RD, a.made_class, a.yp_orderqty, a.Doway_cong_Flag, a.Doway_tiao_flag, a.Doway_print_Flag,
b.SaleOrderID as sub_SaleOrderID, b.PNO as sub_PNO, b.Wl_Code as sub_Wl_Code, b.Itemname as sub_Itemname, b.Itemstandard as sub_Itemstandard, b.Machine_no as sub_Machine_no, b.Stock_dw as sub_Stock_dw, b.Qty as sub_Qty, b.Weight as sub_Weight, b.Crl_Name as sub_Crl_Name, b.Price as sub_Price, b.Amt as sub_Amt, b.SendDate as sub_SendDate, b.MemoList as sub_MemoList, b.OrderQty as sub_OrderQty, b.Q_Qty as sub_Q_Qty, b.wldm as sub_wldm, b.PI_NO as sub_PI_NO, b.RMB_HuiLv as sub_RMB_HuiLv, b.RMB_AMT as sub_RMB_AMT, b.Now_YM as sub_Now_YM, b.YL_MRP as sub_YL_MRP, b.ZZGD_OrderQty as sub_ZZGD_OrderQty, b.ZZGD_Q_Qty as sub_ZZGD_Q_Qty, b.Return_QTY as sub_Return_QTY, b.JA_QTY as sub_JA_QTY, b.JA_FLAG as sub_JA_FLAG, b.JA_MAN as sub_JA_MAN, b.JA_time as sub_JA_time, b.Version_NO as sub_Version_NO
from saleorderhead a
left join saleorderlist b on b.SaleOrderID = a.SaleorderID
where a.SaleorderID = #{SaleorderID}
<insert id="insertSaleorderhead" parameterType="Saleorderhead">
insert into saleorderhead
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="SaleorderID != null and SaleorderID != ''">SaleorderID,</if>
<if test="SaleorderNO != null">SaleorderNO,</if>
<if test="saleplanNO != null">saleplanNO,</if>
<if test="pCode != null">P_CODE,</if>
<if test="pName != null">P_Name,</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">P_LinkMan,</if>
<if test="pTel != null">P_TEL,</if>
<if test="pFax != null">P_FAX,</if>
<if test="sendAddress != null">Send_Address,</if>
<if test="GetMoneyMemo != null">GetMoneyMemo,</if>
<if test="Sendmemo != null">Sendmemo,</if>
<if test="Sendway != null">Sendway,</if>
<if test="Plandate != null">Plandate,</if>
<if test="Playway != null">Playway,</if>
<if test="Saler != null">Saler,</if>
<if test="bzMemo != null">BZ_memo,</if>
<if test="endFlag != null">End_flag,</if>
<if test="isDelete != null">Is_delete,</if>
<if test="NWX != null">NWX,</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">Comfirm_Flag,</if>
<if test="writeDatetime != null">write_datetime,</if>
<if test="editDate != null">edit_date,</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">comfirm_date,</if>
<if test="soClass != null">SO_Class,</if>
<if test="gpYn != null">GP_YN,</if>
<if test="dowayCong != null">doway_cong,</if>
<if test="dowayTiao != null">doway_tiao,</if>
<if test="dowayPrint != null">doway_print,</if>
<if test="dowayOther != null">doway_other,</if>
<if test="mouldNo != null">mould_no,</if>
<if test="majorSize != null">major_size,</if>
<if test="workline != null">workline,</if>
<if test="doMajorMemo != null">do_major_memo,</if>
<if test="amtClass != null">amt_class,</if>
<if test="useYllist != null">USE_YLLIST,</if>
<if test="lastAccountAmt != null">last_account_amt,</if>
<if test="sendcpStock != null">Sendcp_Stock,</if>
<if test="mouldFlag != null">mould_flag,</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">Comfirm_man,</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">Approve_flag,</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">Approve_DATE,</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">Approve_MAN,</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">Auditing_Flag,</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">Auditing_man,</if>
<if test="auditingDatetime != null">Auditing_Datetime,</if>
<if test="preMaterialFlag != null">Pre_material_Flag,</if>
<if test="Factory != null">Factory,</if>
<if test="jaFlag != null">JA_FLAG,</if>
<if test="jaMan != null">JA_MAN,</if>
<if test="jaTime != null">JA_TIME,</if>
<if test="returnProgress != null">Return_Progress,</if>
<if test="madeSource != null">MADE_Source,</if>
<if test="sendtoTime != null">sendto_time,</if>
<if test="planDoOkTime != null">plan_do_ok_time,</if>
<if test="cpVersionNo != null">CP_Version_no,</if>
<if test="RD != null">RD,</if>
<if test="ypState != null">YP_State,</if>
<if test="factOkTime != null">Fact_OK_TIME,</if>
<if test="qcMan != null">QC_MAN,</if>
<if test="MemoTEXT != null">MemoTEXT,</if>
<if test="laterSource != null">Later_Source,</if>
<if test="mappath != null">mappath,</if>
<if test="producehelp != null">producehelp,</if>
<if test="customRd != null">Custom_RD,</if>
<if test="madeClass != null">made_class,</if>
<if test="ypOrderqty != null">yp_orderqty,</if>
<if test="dowayCongFlag != null">Doway_cong_Flag,</if>
<if test="dowayTiaoFlag != null">Doway_tiao_flag,</if>
<if test="dowayPrintFlag != null">Doway_print_Flag,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="SaleorderID != null and SaleorderID != ''">#{SaleorderID},</if>
<if test="SaleorderNO != null">#{SaleorderNO},</if>
<if test="saleplanNO != null">#{saleplanNO},</if>
<if test="pCode != null">#{pCode},</if>
<if test="pName != null">#{pName},</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">#{pLinkman},</if>
<if test="pTel != null">#{pTel},</if>
<if test="pFax != null">#{pFax},</if>
<if test="sendAddress != null">#{sendAddress},</if>
<if test="GetMoneyMemo != null">#{GetMoneyMemo},</if>
<if test="Sendmemo != null">#{Sendmemo},</if>
<if test="Sendway != null">#{Sendway},</if>
<if test="Plandate != null">#{Plandate},</if>
<if test="Playway != null">#{Playway},</if>
<if test="Saler != null">#{Saler},</if>
<if test="bzMemo != null">#{bzMemo},</if>
<if test="endFlag != null">#{endFlag},</if>
<if test="isDelete != null">#{isDelete},</if>
<if test="NWX != null">#{NWX},</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">#{comfirmFlag},</if>
<if test="writeDatetime != null">#{writeDatetime},</if>
<if test="editDate != null">#{editDate},</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">#{comfirmDate},</if>
<if test="soClass != null">#{soClass},</if>
<if test="gpYn != null">#{gpYn},</if>
<if test="dowayCong != null">#{dowayCong},</if>
<if test="dowayTiao != null">#{dowayTiao},</if>
<if test="dowayPrint != null">#{dowayPrint},</if>
<if test="dowayOther != null">#{dowayOther},</if>
<if test="mouldNo != null">#{mouldNo},</if>
<if test="majorSize != null">#{majorSize},</if>
<if test="workline != null">#{workline},</if>
<if test="doMajorMemo != null">#{doMajorMemo},</if>
<if test="amtClass != null">#{amtClass},</if>
<if test="useYllist != null">#{useYllist},</if>
<if test="lastAccountAmt != null">#{lastAccountAmt},</if>
<if test="sendcpStock != null">#{sendcpStock},</if>
<if test="mouldFlag != null">#{mouldFlag},</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">#{comfirmMan},</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">#{approveFlag},</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">#{approveDate},</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">#{approveMan},</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">#{auditingFlag},</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">#{auditingMan},</if>
<if test="auditingDatetime != null">#{auditingDatetime},</if>
<if test="preMaterialFlag != null">#{preMaterialFlag},</if>
<if test="Factory != null">#{Factory},</if>
<if test="jaFlag != null">#{jaFlag},</if>
<if test="jaMan != null">#{jaMan},</if>
<if test="jaTime != null">#{jaTime},</if>
<if test="returnProgress != null">#{returnProgress},</if>
<if test="madeSource != null">#{madeSource},</if>
<if test="sendtoTime != null">#{sendtoTime},</if>
<if test="planDoOkTime != null">#{planDoOkTime},</if>
<if test="cpVersionNo != null">#{cpVersionNo},</if>
<if test="RD != null">#{RD},</if>
<if test="ypState != null">#{ypState},</if>
<if test="factOkTime != null">#{factOkTime},</if>
<if test="qcMan != null">#{qcMan},</if>
<if test="MemoTEXT != null">#{MemoTEXT},</if>
<if test="laterSource != null">#{laterSource},</if>
<if test="mappath != null">#{mappath},</if>
<if test="producehelp != null">#{producehelp},</if>
<if test="customRd != null">#{customRd},</if>
<if test="madeClass != null">#{madeClass},</if>
<if test="ypOrderqty != null">#{ypOrderqty},</if>
<if test="dowayCongFlag != null">#{dowayCongFlag},</if>
<if test="dowayTiaoFlag != null">#{dowayTiaoFlag},</if>
<if test="dowayPrintFlag != null">#{dowayPrintFlag},</if>
<update id="updateSaleorderhead" parameterType="Saleorderhead">
update saleorderhead
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="SaleorderNO != null">SaleorderNO = #{SaleorderNO},</if>
<if test="saleplanNO != null">saleplanNO = #{saleplanNO},</if>
<if test="pCode != null">P_CODE = #{pCode},</if>
<if test="pName != null">P_Name = #{pName},</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman},</if>
<if test="pTel != null">P_TEL = #{pTel},</if>
<if test="pFax != null">P_FAX = #{pFax},</if>
<if test="sendAddress != null">Send_Address = #{sendAddress},</if>
<if test="GetMoneyMemo != null">GetMoneyMemo = #{GetMoneyMemo},</if>
<if test="Sendmemo != null">Sendmemo = #{Sendmemo},</if>
<if test="Sendway != null">Sendway = #{Sendway},</if>
<if test="Plandate != null">Plandate = #{Plandate},</if>
<if test="Playway != null">Playway = #{Playway},</if>
<if test="Saler != null">Saler = #{Saler},</if>
<if test="bzMemo != null">BZ_memo = #{bzMemo},</if>
<if test="endFlag != null">End_flag = #{endFlag},</if>
<if test="isDelete != null">Is_delete = #{isDelete},</if>
<if test="NWX != null">NWX = #{NWX},</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">Comfirm_Flag = #{comfirmFlag},</if>
<if test="writeDatetime != null">write_datetime = #{writeDatetime},</if>
<if test="editDate != null">edit_date = #{editDate},</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">comfirm_date = #{comfirmDate},</if>
<if test="soClass != null">SO_Class = #{soClass},</if>
<if test="gpYn != null">GP_YN = #{gpYn},</if>
<if test="dowayCong != null">doway_cong = #{dowayCong},</if>
<if test="dowayTiao != null">doway_tiao = #{dowayTiao},</if>
<if test="dowayPrint != null">doway_print = #{dowayPrint},</if>
<if test="dowayOther != null">doway_other = #{dowayOther},</if>
<if test="mouldNo != null">mould_no = #{mouldNo},</if>
<if test="majorSize != null">major_size = #{majorSize},</if>
<if test="workline != null">workline = #{workline},</if>
<if test="doMajorMemo != null">do_major_memo = #{doMajorMemo},</if>
<if test="amtClass != null">amt_class = #{amtClass},</if>
<if test="useYllist != null">USE_YLLIST = #{useYllist},</if>
<if test="lastAccountAmt != null">last_account_amt = #{lastAccountAmt},</if>
<if test="sendcpStock != null">Sendcp_Stock = #{sendcpStock},</if>
<if test="mouldFlag != null">mould_flag = #{mouldFlag},</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">Comfirm_man = #{comfirmMan},</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">Approve_flag = #{approveFlag},</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">Approve_DATE = #{approveDate},</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">Approve_MAN = #{approveMan},</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">Auditing_Flag = #{auditingFlag},</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">Auditing_man = #{auditingMan},</if>
<if test="auditingDatetime != null">Auditing_Datetime = #{auditingDatetime},</if>
<if test="preMaterialFlag != null">Pre_material_Flag = #{preMaterialFlag},</if>
<if test="Factory != null">Factory = #{Factory},</if>
<if test="jaFlag != null">JA_FLAG = #{jaFlag},</if>
<if test="jaMan != null">JA_MAN = #{jaMan},</if>
<if test="jaTime != null">JA_TIME = #{jaTime},</if>
<if test="returnProgress != null">Return_Progress = #{returnProgress},</if>
<if test="madeSource != null">MADE_Source = #{madeSource},</if>
<if test="sendtoTime != null">sendto_time = #{sendtoTime},</if>
<if test="planDoOkTime != null">plan_do_ok_time = #{planDoOkTime},</if>
<if test="cpVersionNo != null">CP_Version_no = #{cpVersionNo},</if>
<if test="RD != null">RD = #{RD},</if>
<if test="ypState != null">YP_State = #{ypState},</if>
<if test="factOkTime != null">Fact_OK_TIME = #{factOkTime},</if>
<if test="qcMan != null">QC_MAN = #{qcMan},</if>
<if test="MemoTEXT != null">MemoTEXT = #{MemoTEXT},</if>
<if test="laterSource != null">Later_Source = #{laterSource},</if>
<if test="mappath != null">mappath = #{mappath},</if>
<if test="producehelp != null">producehelp = #{producehelp},</if>
<if test="customRd != null">Custom_RD = #{customRd},</if>
<if test="madeClass != null">made_class = #{madeClass},</if>
<if test="ypOrderqty != null">yp_orderqty = #{ypOrderqty},</if>
<if test="dowayCongFlag != null">Doway_cong_Flag = #{dowayCongFlag},</if>
<if test="dowayTiaoFlag != null">Doway_tiao_flag = #{dowayTiaoFlag},</if>
<if test="dowayPrintFlag != null">Doway_print_Flag = #{dowayPrintFlag},</if>
where SaleorderID = #{SaleorderID}
<delete id="deleteSaleorderheadById" parameterType="String">
delete from saleorderhead where SaleorderID = #{SaleorderID}
<delete id="deleteSaleorderheadByIds" parameterType="String">
delete from saleorderhead where SaleorderID in
<foreach item="SaleorderID" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<delete id="deleteSaleorderlistBySaleOrderIDs" parameterType="String">
delete from saleorderlist where SaleOrderID in
<foreach item="saleOrderID" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<delete id="deleteSaleorderlistBySaleOrderID" parameterType="Long">
delete from saleorderlist where SaleOrderID = #{saleOrderID}
<insert id="batchSaleorderlist">
insert into saleorderlist( SaleOrderID, PNO, Wl_Code, Itemname, Itemstandard, Machine_no, Stock_dw, Qty, Weight,
Crl_Name, Price, Amt, SendDate, MemoList, OrderQty, Q_Qty, wldm, PI_NO, RMB_HuiLv, RMB_AMT, Now_YM, YL_MRP,
ZZGD_OrderQty, ZZGD_Q_Qty, Return_QTY, JA_QTY, JA_FLAG, JA_MAN, JA_time, Version_NO) values
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" separator=",">
( #{item.SaleOrderID}, #{item.PNO}, #{item.wlCode}, #{item.Itemname}, #{item.Itemstandard},
#{item.machineNo}, #{item.stockDw}, #{item.Qty}, #{item.Weight}, #{item.crlName}, #{item.Price},
#{item.Amt}, #{item.SendDate}, #{item.MemoList}, #{item.OrderQty}, #{item.qQty}, #{item.wldm}, #{item.piNo},
#{item.rmbHuilv}, #{item.rmbAmt}, #{item.nowYm}, #{item.ylMrp}, #{item.zzgdOrderqty}, #{item.zzgdQQty},
#{item.returnQty}, #{item.jaQty}, #{item.jaFlag}, #{item.jaMan}, #{item.jaTime}, #{item.versionNo})
<select id="selectSaleorderheadList" parameterType="Saleorderhead" resultMap="SaleorderheadResult">
<include refid="selectSaleorderheadVo"/>
<if test="SaleorderID != null and SaleorderID != ''"> and SaleorderID = #{SaleorderID}</if>
<if test="SaleorderNO != null and SaleorderNO != ''"> and SaleorderNO = #{SaleorderNO}</if>
<if test="saleplanNO != null and saleplanNO != ''"> and saleplanNO = #{saleplanNO}</if>
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''"> and P_CODE = #{pCode}</if>
<if test="pName != null and pName != ''"> and P_Name like concat('%', #{pName}, '%')</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null and pLinkman != ''"> and P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman}</if>
<if test="pTel != null and pTel != ''"> and P_TEL = #{pTel}</if>
<if test="pFax != null and pFax != ''"> and P_FAX = #{pFax}</if>
<if test="sendAddress != null and sendAddress != ''"> and Send_Address = #{sendAddress}</if>
<if test="GetMoneyMemo != null and GetMoneyMemo != ''"> and GetMoneyMemo = #{GetMoneyMemo}</if>
<if test="Sendmemo != null and Sendmemo != ''"> and Sendmemo = #{Sendmemo}</if>
<if test="Sendway != null and Sendway != ''"> and Sendway = #{Sendway}</if>
<if test="Plandate != null "> and Plandate = #{Plandate}</if>
<if test="Playway != null and Playway != ''"> and Playway = #{Playway}</if>
<if test="Saler != null and Saler != ''"> and Saler = #{Saler}</if>
<if test="bzMemo != null and bzMemo != ''"> and BZ_memo = #{bzMemo}</if>
<if test="endFlag != null "> and End_flag = #{endFlag}</if>
<if test="isDelete != null "> and Is_delete = #{isDelete}</if>
<if test="NWX != null and NWX != ''"> and NWX = #{NWX}</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null "> and Comfirm_Flag = #{comfirmFlag}</if>
<if test="writeDatetime != null "> and write_datetime = #{writeDatetime}</if>
<if test="editDate != null "> and edit_date = #{editDate}</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null "> and comfirm_date = #{comfirmDate}</if>
<if test="soClass != null "> and SO_Class = #{soClass}</if>
<if test="gpYn != null and gpYn != ''"> and GP_YN = #{gpYn}</if>
<if test="dowayCong != null and dowayCong != ''"> and doway_cong = #{dowayCong}</if>
<if test="dowayTiao != null and dowayTiao != ''"> and doway_tiao = #{dowayTiao}</if>
<if test="dowayPrint != null and dowayPrint != ''"> and doway_print = #{dowayPrint}</if>
<if test="dowayOther != null and dowayOther != ''"> and doway_other = #{dowayOther}</if>
<if test="mouldNo != null and mouldNo != ''"> and mould_no = #{mouldNo}</if>
<if test="majorSize != null and majorSize != ''"> and major_size = #{majorSize}</if>
<if test="workline != null and workline != ''"> and workline = #{workline}</if>
<if test="doMajorMemo != null and doMajorMemo != ''"> and do_major_memo = #{doMajorMemo}</if>
<if test="amtClass != null and amtClass != ''"> and amt_class = #{amtClass}</if>
<if test="useYllist != null and useYllist != ''"> and USE_YLLIST = #{useYllist}</if>
<if test="lastAccountAmt != null "> and last_account_amt = #{lastAccountAmt}</if>
<if test="sendcpStock != null and sendcpStock != ''"> and Sendcp_Stock = #{sendcpStock}</if>
<if test="mouldFlag != null "> and mould_flag = #{mouldFlag}</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null and comfirmMan != ''"> and Comfirm_man = #{comfirmMan}</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null "> and Approve_flag = #{approveFlag}</if>
<if test="approveDate != null "> and Approve_DATE = #{approveDate}</if>
<if test="approveMan != null and approveMan != ''"> and Approve_MAN = #{approveMan}</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null "> and Auditing_Flag = #{auditingFlag}</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null and auditingMan != ''"> and Auditing_man = #{auditingMan}</if>
<if test="auditingDatetime != null "> and Auditing_Datetime = #{auditingDatetime}</if>
<if test="preMaterialFlag != null "> and Pre_material_Flag = #{preMaterialFlag}</if>
<if test="Factory != null and Factory != ''"> and Factory = #{Factory}</if>
<if test="jaFlag != null "> and JA_FLAG = #{jaFlag}</if>
<if test="jaMan != null and jaMan != ''"> and JA_MAN = #{jaMan}</if>
<if test="jaTime != null "> and JA_TIME = #{jaTime}</if>
<if test="returnProgress != null and returnProgress != ''"> and Return_Progress = #{returnProgress}</if>
<if test="madeSource != null and madeSource != ''"> and MADE_Source = #{madeSource}</if>
<if test="sendtoTime != null "> and sendto_time = #{sendtoTime}</if>
<if test="planDoOkTime != null "> and plan_do_ok_time = #{planDoOkTime}</if>
<if test="cpVersionNo != null and cpVersionNo != ''"> and CP_Version_no = #{cpVersionNo}</if>
<if test="RD != null and RD != ''"> and RD = #{RD}</if>
<if test="ypState != null and ypState != ''"> and YP_State = #{ypState}</if>
<if test="factOkTime != null "> and Fact_OK_TIME = #{factOkTime}</if>
<if test="qcMan != null and qcMan != ''"> and QC_MAN = #{qcMan}</if>
<if test="MemoTEXT != null and MemoTEXT != ''"> and MemoTEXT = #{MemoTEXT}</if>
<if test="laterSource != null and laterSource != ''"> and Later_Source = #{laterSource}</if>
<if test="mappath != null and mappath != ''"> and mappath = #{mappath}</if>
<if test="producehelp != null "> and producehelp = #{producehelp}</if>
<if test="customRd != null and customRd != ''"> and Custom_RD = #{customRd}</if>
<if test="madeClass != null and madeClass != ''"> and made_class = #{madeClass}</if>
<if test="ypOrderqty != null "> and yp_orderqty = #{ypOrderqty}</if>
<if test="dowayCongFlag != null "> and Doway_cong_Flag = #{dowayCongFlag}</if>
<if test="dowayTiaoFlag != null "> and Doway_tiao_flag = #{dowayTiaoFlag}</if>
<if test="dowayPrintFlag != null "> and Doway_print_Flag = #{dowayPrintFlag}</if>