You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
290 lines
17 KiB
290 lines
17 KiB
2 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="">
<resultMap type="Provider" id="ProviderResult">
<result property="pCode" column="p_code"/>
<result property="pName" column="P_Name" />
<result property="pEnName" column="P_EN_NAME" />
<result property="pAddress" column="P_Address" />
<result property="pPost" column="P_Post" />
<result property="pCountry" column="P_Country" />
<result property="pCeo" column="P_CEO" />
<result property="pLinkman" column="P_LinkMan" />
<result property="pTel" column="P_TEL" />
<result property="pFax" column="P_FAX" />
<result property="pEmail" column="P_EMAIL" />
<result property="pHttp" column="P_HTTP" />
<result property="pCiqCode" column="P_CIQ_CODE" />
<result property="pComCode" column="P_COM_CODE" />
<result property="pHyCode" column="P_HY_CODE" />
<result property="pType" column="P_TYPE" />
<result property="pCreatDate" column="P_Creat_Date" />
<result property="pJhbank" column="P_JHbank" />
<result property="pJhbankCode" column="P_JHbank_code" />
<result property="pBank" column="P_bank" />
<result property="pBankCode" column="P_bank_code" />
<result property="pRmbMoney" column="P_RMB_MONEY" />
<result property="pWbType" column="P_WB_TYPE" />
<result property="pWbMoney" column="P_WB_MONEY" />
<result property="isEnd" column="Is_End" />
<result property="comfirmFlag" column="comfirm_flag" />
<result property="comfirmMan" column="comfirm_man" />
<result property="comfirmDate" column="comfirm_DATE" />
<result property="writeMan" column="write_man" />
<result property="auditingFlag" column="Auditing_Flag" />
<result property="auditingMan" column="Auditing_man" />
<result property="auditingDate" column="Auditing_Date" />
<result property="approveFlag" column="Approve_flag" />
<result property="approveMan" column="Approve_man" />
<result property="approveDate" column="Approve_date" />
<result property="writeDate" column="write_date" />
<result property="MEMOTEXT" column="MEMOTEXT" />
<result property="NWX" column="NWX" />
<result property="taxFlag" column="tax_flag" />
<result property="taxPercent" column="tax_percent" />
<result property="shouldDays" column="should_days" />
<result property="pMp" column="P_MP" />
<result property="payMemo" column="pay_memo" />
<result property="ForP" column="ForP" />
<sql id="selectProviderVo">
select p_code, P_Name, P_EN_NAME, P_Address, P_Post, P_Country, P_CEO, P_LinkMan, P_TEL, P_FAX, P_EMAIL, P_HTTP, P_CIQ_CODE, P_COM_CODE, P_HY_CODE, P_TYPE, P_Creat_Date, P_JHbank, P_JHbank_code, P_bank, P_bank_code, P_RMB_MONEY, P_WB_TYPE, P_WB_MONEY, Is_End, comfirm_flag, comfirm_man, comfirm_DATE, write_man, Auditing_Flag, Auditing_man, Auditing_Date, Approve_flag, Approve_man, Approve_date, write_date, MEMOTEXT, NWX, tax_flag, tax_percent, should_days, P_MP, pay_memo, ForP from provider
<select id="selectProviderList" parameterType="Provider" resultMap="ProviderResult">
<include refid="selectProviderVo"/>
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''"> and p_code = #{pCode}</if>
<if test="pName != null and pName != ''"> and P_Name like concat('%', #{pName}, '%')</if>
<if test="pAddress != null and pAddress != ''"> and P_Address = #{pAddress}</if>
<if test="pCountry != null and pCountry != ''"> and P_Country = #{pCountry}</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null and pLinkman != ''"> and P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman}</if>
<if test="pEmail != null and pEmail != ''"> and P_EMAIL = #{pEmail}</if>
<if test="pJhbank != null and pJhbank != ''"> and P_JHbank = #{pJhbank}</if>
<if test="pJhbankCode != null and pJhbankCode != ''"> and P_JHbank_code = #{pJhbankCode}</if>
<if test="taxPercent != null "> and tax_percent = #{taxPercent}</if>
<if test="pMp != null and pMp != ''"> and P_MP = #{pMp}</if>
<if test="payMemo != null and payMemo != ''"> and pay_memo = #{payMemo}</if>
<select id="selectProviderById" parameterType="String" resultMap="ProviderResult">
<include refid="selectProviderVo"/>
where p_code = #{pCode}
<insert id="insertProvider" parameterType="Provider">
insert into provider
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''">p_code,</if>
<if test="pName != null">P_Name,</if>
<if test="pEnName != null">P_EN_NAME,</if>
<if test="pAddress != null">P_Address,</if>
<if test="pPost != null">P_Post,</if>
<if test="pCountry != null">P_Country,</if>
<if test="pCeo != null">P_CEO,</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">P_LinkMan,</if>
<if test="pTel != null">P_TEL,</if>
<if test="pFax != null">P_FAX,</if>
<if test="pEmail != null">P_EMAIL,</if>
<if test="pHttp != null">P_HTTP,</if>
<if test="pCiqCode != null">P_CIQ_CODE,</if>
<if test="pComCode != null">P_COM_CODE,</if>
<if test="pHyCode != null">P_HY_CODE,</if>
<if test="pType != null">P_TYPE,</if>
<if test="pCreatDate != null">P_Creat_Date,</if>
<if test="pJhbank != null">P_JHbank,</if>
<if test="pJhbankCode != null">P_JHbank_code,</if>
<if test="pBank != null">P_bank,</if>
<if test="pBankCode != null">P_bank_code,</if>
<if test="pRmbMoney != null">P_RMB_MONEY,</if>
<if test="pWbType != null">P_WB_TYPE,</if>
<if test="pWbMoney != null">P_WB_MONEY,</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">Is_End,</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">comfirm_flag,</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">comfirm_man,</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">comfirm_DATE,</if>
<if test="writeMan != null">write_man,</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">Auditing_Flag,</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">Auditing_man,</if>
<if test="auditingDate != null">Auditing_Date,</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">Approve_flag,</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">Approve_man,</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">Approve_date,</if>
<if test="writeDate != null">write_date,</if>
<if test="MEMOTEXT != null">MEMOTEXT,</if>
<if test="NWX != null">NWX,</if>
<if test="taxFlag != null">tax_flag,</if>
<if test="taxPercent != null">tax_percent,</if>
<if test="shouldDays != null">should_days,</if>
<if test="pMp != null">P_MP,</if>
<if test="payMemo != null">pay_memo,</if>
<if test="ForP != null">ForP,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="pCode != null and pCode != ''">#{pCode},</if>+
<if test="pName != null">#{pName},</if>
<if test="pEnName != null">#{pEnName},</if>
<if test="pAddress != null">#{pAddress},</if>
<if test="pPost != null">#{pPost},</if>
<if test="pCountry != null">#{pCountry},</if>
<if test="pCeo != null">#{pCeo},</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">#{pLinkman},</if>
<if test="pTel != null">#{pTel},</if>
<if test="pFax != null">#{pFax},</if>
<if test="pEmail != null">#{pEmail},</if>
<if test="pHttp != null">#{pHttp},</if>
<if test="pCiqCode != null">#{pCiqCode},</if>
<if test="pComCode != null">#{pComCode},</if>
<if test="pHyCode != null">#{pHyCode},</if>
<if test="pType != null">#{pType},</if>
<if test="pCreatDate != null">#{pCreatDate},</if>
<if test="pJhbank != null">#{pJhbank},</if>
<if test="pJhbankCode != null">#{pJhbankCode},</if>
<if test="pBank != null">#{pBank},</if>
<if test="pBankCode != null">#{pBankCode},</if>
<if test="pRmbMoney != null">#{pRmbMoney},</if>
<if test="pWbType != null">#{pWbType},</if>
<if test="pWbMoney != null">#{pWbMoney},</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">#{isEnd},</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">#{comfirmFlag},</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">#{comfirmMan},</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">#{comfirmDate},</if>
<if test="writeMan != null">#{writeMan},</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">#{auditingFlag},</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">#{auditingMan},</if>
<if test="auditingDate != null">#{auditingDate},</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">#{approveFlag},</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">#{approveMan},</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">#{approveDate},</if>
<if test="writeDate != null">#{writeDate},</if>
<if test="MEMOTEXT != null">#{MEMOTEXT},</if>
<if test="NWX != null">#{NWX},</if>
<if test="taxFlag != null">#{taxFlag},</if>
<if test="taxPercent != null">#{taxPercent},</if>
<if test="shouldDays != null">#{shouldDays},</if>
<if test="pMp != null">#{pMp},</if>
<if test="payMemo != null">#{payMemo},</if>
<if test="ForP != null">#{ForP},</if>
<update id="updateProvider" parameterType="Provider">
update provider
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="pName != null">P_Name = #{pName},</if>
<if test="pEnName != null">P_EN_NAME = #{pEnName},</if>
<if test="pAddress != null">P_Address = #{pAddress},</if>
<if test="pPost != null">P_Post = #{pPost},</if>
<if test="pCountry != null">P_Country = #{pCountry},</if>
<if test="pCeo != null">P_CEO = #{pCeo},</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman},</if>
<if test="pTel != null">P_TEL = #{pTel},</if>
<if test="pFax != null">P_FAX = #{pFax},</if>
<if test="pEmail != null">P_EMAIL = #{pEmail},</if>
<if test="pHttp != null">P_HTTP = #{pHttp},</if>
<if test="pCiqCode != null">P_CIQ_CODE = #{pCiqCode},</if>
<if test="pComCode != null">P_COM_CODE = #{pComCode},</if>
<if test="pHyCode != null">P_HY_CODE = #{pHyCode},</if>
<if test="pType != null">P_TYPE = #{pType},</if>
<if test="pCreatDate != null">P_Creat_Date = #{pCreatDate},</if>
<if test="pJhbank != null">P_JHbank = #{pJhbank},</if>
<if test="pJhbankCode != null">P_JHbank_code = #{pJhbankCode},</if>
<if test="pBank != null">P_bank = #{pBank},</if>
<if test="pBankCode != null">P_bank_code = #{pBankCode},</if>
<if test="pRmbMoney != null">P_RMB_MONEY = #{pRmbMoney},</if>
<if test="pWbType != null">P_WB_TYPE = #{pWbType},</if>
<if test="pWbMoney != null">P_WB_MONEY = #{pWbMoney},</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">Is_End = #{isEnd},</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">comfirm_flag = #{comfirmFlag},</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">comfirm_man = #{comfirmMan},</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">comfirm_DATE = #{comfirmDate},</if>
<if test="writeMan != null">write_man = #{writeMan},</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">Auditing_Flag = #{auditingFlag},</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">Auditing_man = #{auditingMan},</if>
<if test="auditingDate != null">Auditing_Date = #{auditingDate},</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">Approve_flag = #{approveFlag},</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">Approve_man = #{approveMan},</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">Approve_date = #{approveDate},</if>
<if test="writeDate != null">write_date = #{writeDate},</if>
<if test="MEMOTEXT != null">MEMOTEXT = #{MEMOTEXT},</if>
<if test="NWX != null">NWX = #{NWX},</if>
<if test="taxFlag != null">tax_flag = #{taxFlag},</if>
<if test="taxPercent != null">tax_percent = #{taxPercent},</if>
<if test="shouldDays != null">should_days = #{shouldDays},</if>
<if test="pMp != null">P_MP = #{pMp},</if>
<if test="payMemo != null">pay_memo = #{payMemo},</if>
<if test="ForP != null">ForP = #{ForP},</if>
where p_code = #{pCode}
<delete id="deleteProviderById" parameterType="String">
delete from provider where p_code = #{pCode}
<delete id="deleteProviderByIds" parameterType="String">
delete from provider where p_code in
<foreach item="pCode" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<select id="selectAll" resultType="Provider" resultMap="ProviderResult">
select * from provider
<select id="selectByItem" resultType="Provider" resultMap="ProviderResult">
select * from provider
<if test="pCode != null">p_code = #{pCode}</if>
<if test="pName != null ">and P_Name = #{pName}</if>
<if test="pEnName != null">and P_EN_NAME = #{pEnName}</if>
<if test="pAddress != null">and P_Address = #{pAddress}</if>
<if test="pPost != null">and P_Post = #{pPost}</if>
<if test="pCountry != null">and P_Country = #{pCountry}</if>
<if test="pCeo != null">and P_CEO = #{pCeo}</if>
<if test="pLinkman != null">and P_LinkMan = #{pLinkman}</if>
<if test="pTel != null">and P_TEL = #{pTel}</if>
<if test="pFax != null">and P_FAX = #{pFax}</if>
<if test="pEmail != null">and P_EMAIL = #{pEmail}</if>
<if test="pHttp != null">and P_HTTP = #{pHttp}</if>
<if test="pCiqCode != null">and P_CIQ_CODE = #{pCiqCode}</if>
<if test="pComCode != null">and P_COM_CODE = #{pComCode}</if>
<if test="pHyCode != null">and P_HY_CODE = #{pHyCode}</if>
<if test="pType != null">and P_TYPE = #{pType}</if>
<if test="pCreatDate != null">and P_Creat_Date = #{pCreatDate}</if>
<if test="pJhbank != null">and P_JHbank = #{pJhbank}</if>
<if test="pJhbankCode != null">and P_JHbank_code = #{pJhbankCode}</if>
<if test="pBank != null">and P_bank = #{pBank}</if>
<if test="pBankCode != null">and P_bank_code = #{pBankCode}</if>
<if test="pRmbMoney != null">and P_RMB_MONEY = #{pRmbMoney}</if>
<if test="pWbType != null">and P_WB_TYPE = #{pWbType}</if>
<if test="pWbMoney != null">and P_WB_MONEY = #{pWbMoney}</if>
<if test="isEnd != null">and Is_End = #{isEnd}</if>
<if test="comfirmFlag != null">and comfirm_flag = #{comfirmFlag}</if>
<if test="comfirmMan != null">and comfirm_man = #{comfirmMan}</if>
<if test="comfirmDate != null">and comfirm_DATE = #{comfirmDate}</if>
<if test="writeMan != null">and write_man = #{writeMan}</if>
<if test="auditingFlag != null">and Auditing_Flag = #{auditingFlag}</if>
<if test="auditingMan != null">and Auditing_man = #{auditingMan}</if>
<if test="auditingDate != null">and Auditing_Date = #{auditingDate}</if>
<if test="approveFlag != null">and Approve_flag = #{approveFlag}</if>
<if test="approveMan != null">and Approve_man = #{approveMan}</if>
<if test="approveDate != null">and Approve_date = #{approveDate}</if>
<if test="writeDate != null">and write_date = #{writeDate}</if>
<if test="MEMOTEXT != null">and MEMOTEXT = #{MEMOTEXT}</if>
<if test="NWX != null">and NWX = #{NWX}</if>
<if test="taxFlag != null">and tax_flag = #{taxFlag}</if>
<if test="taxPercent != null">and tax_percent = #{taxPercent}</if>
<if test="shouldDays != null">and should_days = #{shouldDays}</if>
<if test="pMp != null">and P_MP = #{pMp}</if>
<if test="payMemo != null">and pay_memo = #{payMemo}</if>
<if test="ForP != null">and ForP = #{ForP}</if>